Wednesday, October 17, 2007

words of wisdom

"When you love someone, you do what's best for them."
Pastor Ron said this in our last Marriage and Family class lecture. It makes sense to me.
God always does what's best for us.
Parents do what's best for their children, even if they don't like spinach. :0)
It's not always easy, but it's important.
This week our chapters covered divorce and remarriage. "...Because those involved in marital conflict often do not receive support to keep their vows, their hearts become hard and divorce becomes a consideration. Jesus makes clear the concept that divorce is always perpetrated because of hardness of heart. Many other situations usually exsist but this is the root cause (Matt 19:8) The devastation left by divorce leaves deep wounds and scars. God wants to bring resptration. Pointing the finger at a mate and passing the blame to them will never bring restoration, but coming to God and repenting will begin the restoration process." R Tucker 2000.
I see this in the divorces I've seen. A friend of mine one confided in me that things were rough in her marriage. She said, "I don't want to be a statistic, but things are bad. I can't stay like this anymore."
When I asked her what was so wrong, she began to list all of the things her husband didn't do for her, and how he wasn't making her happy in this way and that way.
Knowing her husband is a good, decent, caring, supportive man, I couldn't beleive why she was so unhappy. I remembered when they first met and she was falling all over herself to be a loving caring supportive wife to him.
Sometime during the marriage she'd stopped doing what was best for him, and started looking out for what was best for her. As a result, her heart became hardened.
A few months later she told me things had been getting better. "I realized the problem was with me. It was my attitude towards things." As her heart was softened, her live for him returned, and now things are much better between them.
Guard your heart readers.

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