Friday, August 03, 2007

New things!

My man-truck had a light bulb burned out so I had to drive my way to Bob's Midas. I bought a bulb and then drove to the garage to replace it.
I did not belong! I don't go to garages in the states, but here, it was ree-dic-u-lous! I stood out like a turd in a punch bowl!

The guy put it in quickly, and then tried to charge me $50 E. I don't think so. The bulb was only $18E. I told him no. I told him I would pay only $20E. So another guy went to "ask the manager" while the first guy tried to ask me out on a date, (I played dumb-foreigner. It works often in dual language situations. I learned that a long time ago) and came back and insisted on $30E. I stood firm. I told them only $20E and no date.

I won! yeah! Now I realize I still probably got screwed, but hey, my first time bargaining in Swaziland! all in all the whole day was only $6.75 US so not that bad!

1 comment:

Toddzilla said...

Forget about the bulb...did you get any "action"?

I kid...I kid...