Tuesday, August 07, 2007


We visited a cool church this weekend.Many of the women wore traditional dresses and danced during the music,- very cool. They had expected an entire American team of 31 to appear, but since there were problems and missed flights, they couldn't make it. However I appreciated it! I kinda wish I could dress up with shells on my ankles and dance around...oh but I digress.
Afterwards we went to a braii. It's really just an african cook-out (notice I didn't call it a bbq. I didn't want to confuse anyone in NC who would imagine a bunch of africans roasting a pig, eating hushpuppies, and drinking sweet tea.) But there was meat, upon meat upon meat! Giant bowls heaped with chicken, beef, and sausages! Soooo good. Oh, yeah, there was some other food there, but I don't remember them... potato salad or something.

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