Friday, August 03, 2007

Moneni Carepoint

New that I'm here, I've been assigned to oversee Moneni Carepoint, in Manzini. I've been told that the word "Moneni" means jealousy. Hmmmmm.
This is a picture of Phindile, the carepoint teacher, Queeneth,my co-worker, Nkihosinathie, then newly assigned teacher (now we have 2 male teachers on staff) and Make Sukati (pronounced ma-gee Soo-got-ee.)a leader of the Moneni community.On my other visits I saw several sickly students. Queeneth informed me that Moneni carepoint seems to have a disproportionate amount of children with HIV.
So we need to pray extra hard for them, and for Phildile as she cares for them. :0)

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