Friday, July 25, 2008

just a thought!

Okay, this is what I've been thinking...please extend to me the umbrella of mercy, but it makes since to me.
Okay, can a person, like a celebrity, patent a baby? Like, the parents are the creator of that thing, so can they patent it?
Let me explain. With all the celebrity babies, the paparazzi are crazy and break into their houses and stuff just to get pictures. Then they sell it and the magazine that buys it makes a fortune because they are the first ones to have them.
But if a baby was patented, then any unconsented publication of the name or image could result in a lawsuit. Maybe the magazines would be less apt to publish a photo that they knew would cost them in the end.

If you are a celebrity you know you will be photographed and such, it just comes with the territory. But babies are innocent and should be left alone without the parent's consent.
So is that totally crazy?

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