Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Okay, you all know I’m not a big tv fan. I don’t even have satalite here. I just think must shows are crap. Well, many of the missionaries have series on DVD that their family send them, and I decided to give one a shot.
So I borrowed season 3 of House, a show my friends here and at home are always talking about
OH MY GOODNESS! I’m so hooked. In less than a week I’ve watched 15 episodes! Times that by 40 minutes, and that’s a lot of tv!
But because I’m in the 3rd season, there is so much I don’t understand.
Like how did House get shot?
Does he ever have a patient die? I mean, c’mon, no one is that good!
What kind of medical insurance to these patients have? Test, test, test. What HMO covers all of that? Mine would have cut me off long before Dr House discovered the tape worm, toothpick, or removed half of my brain
When did Cameron and Chase hook up, and why was she stupid enough to end it the first time? He’s the cutest one on the show! Big blue eyes, a nice accent. Are you daft, woman?!!!!!!!!
Do Wilson and Cuddy ever get together? He’s sweet, and she needs a baby-daddy.
And when will it be springtime on the show? All of this snow is making me homesick.
Isaac and Carol have season 2 in Mozambique…so if you guys are reading this, hurry back from Brazil, and watch it so you can give it back to Patrick. I need to borrow it.

1 comment:

Annie said...

It is my FAVORITE show! You have some serious catching up to do with season 1 being vital to the "why" of who House is. Enjoy enjoy and I shall not answer your questions as it would ruin it for you when you see Season 4!! :0)