Thursday, November 08, 2007

My (un)lucky 7

These are my babies at Moneni" Bobo, Sihle, Mpumelelo, Mandisa, Maluleki, Ntombikayise,and Ayanda. All 7 of them are graduating from our literacy program on December 1st. We will have a ceremonty with caps and gowns, they will read for their caregivers, and then we will take them for a celebration at a game park. Big fun!
But after that.....
Only the two on the left, Bobo and Sihle are sponsored to continue on with their schooling at a local govenment school. The other 5 simply don't have the school fees.
While it's only about $1000 Emelengeni to attend for a year, the local wages for the cargivers are much lower than that, maybe $600E a month.
The teacher told me that in Bible club she asked for prayer requests. One of the carepoint children raised his hand and prayed that God would provide a way for him to continue his schooling.
It breaks my heart.


Donald and Diane said...

I so enjoy your blogs, I read them everyday. Please email me at, I have some questions I would like to ask you.
Just incase you don't remember me I came with the mission team from NC this past August.
God Bless

tever said...

I came with the NC 31 also. I tried to email you, but not sure I have the correct address. Thanks for keeping us updated with your blogs.
Could you please email me at
Whree is your home church as you said they are coming in june