You know we have a lot of biblical sounding clichés that aren’t in the bible:
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
God helps those who help themselves.
Money is the root of all evil (well that is partly right. It’s the love of money that is the root of all evil.)
But the one on my mind since coming to Africa is: God will never give you more that you can endure.
While the bible says he won’t allow temptation greater that we can flee from, I think the opposite of this statement is quiet true.
I believe God will intentionally allow suffering, and sometimes great suffering.
Why? That doesn’t seem like a very nice God does it?
In some cases, God will allow suffering in the lives of someone who is far from him,- not to punish him, but to break him of a rebellious spirit, and send him running home into his loving father’s arms (think of the prodigal son eating pig slop.)
But in other cases, it is our suffering that causes us to become Christ-like.
1Peter 2:21 …suffering is all part of what God has called you to. Christ, who suffered for you is your example. Follow in his steps. He never sinned, and he never deceived anyone. He did not retaliate when he was insulted. When he suffered, he did not threaten to get even. He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly…
We don’t like to hear that do we? Heck as Americans we don’t even like to be uncomfortable, let alone suffer. We have air conditioning, extra strength Tylenol, 1000 thread count sheets, and Whoppers-your-way.
And if someone looks at us cross eyed; Well buddy, you better watch out! We’ll haul your butt into court so fast your head will spin. We’ll make sure justice is done!
Oh, but how different is Jesus? He says:
Matt 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.Hebrews 5:9 though he was a son he learned obedience by what he suffered.
Yikes! Jesus had to suffer. It was through suffering that he learned obedience.
1 Peter 4:1 therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourself also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.
In other words, those who accept suffering with the right attitude, and don’t seek revenge, and pray for those who have treated them wrongly, have grown into spiritual maturity.John Bevere puts it this way:
“Physical growth is a function of time. We don’t see two year olds who are 6 feet tall. Intellectual growth is not a function of time. We have 14 year old who have finished high school, and 5o year olds who haven’t. Intellectual growth is a function of learning.
Spiritual growth,- is it a function of time? No. We have people who have been saved for 20 years who are still wearing spiritual pampers, and make the most noise in the church. Is it a function of learning? No, the Pharisees could quote the books of the law from memory, but couldn’t recognize the son of man. Spiritual growth is a function of suffering. But I know many people who have suffered and it has made them bitter, they just end up with a sourpuss heart.
Spiritual growth is this: When we encounter unfair treatment, when we encounter offensive behavior, and we choose to obey God’s word in the mist of it rather than react and defend ourselves, and avenge ourselves or return evil for the evil that was done to us. God says when you do that, that’s when you grow.”
1 Peter 2:1 touches on this when he says, “So get rid of all malicious behavior and deceit. Don’t just pretend to be good! Be done with hypocrisy, and jealousy and backstabbing. You must crave pure spiritual milk so that you can grow into the fullness of your salvation…Hey I don’t like this anymore that you,- who likes to suffer? But I see that, when it inevitably comes, I can handle it the right way and become better because of it. It will make me stronger, and more mature.
At least that is encouraging!
I think the title says it all! This includes my heady ideas, my ditzy moments, and anything I feel like subjecting you to. This is my life, from Michigan, to North Carolina, to Africa, and then back again!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Part 2: "We're called to be holy, not happy" or "I have a big but"
God took the Israelites out of Egypt to take them to the land of Milk and Honey, Right? That’s what I always thought. But read this carefully:
Exodus 6:2 And God continued, “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, though I did not reveal my name, the LORD to them. And I entered into a solemn covenant with them. Under its terms, I swore to give them the land of Canaan, where they were living. You can be sure that I have heard the groans of the people of Israel, who are not slaves to the Egyptians. I have remembered my covenant with them.
“Therefore say to the Israelites: I am the LORD, and I will free you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with mighty power and great acts of judgment. I will make you my own special people and I will be your God. And you will know that I am the LORD your God who has rescued you from your Slavery in Egypt. I will bring you into the land I swore to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. “
The Israelites had been praying and calling out to God for a long time… and then he did something about it. He did it to honor his promise to their ancestors, because that’s his nature to stay true to his word. He took them out to worship Him, to glorify him, and then he would take them to the promised land.
Do you see what I see?
God was keeping his word to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
So many times we forget that it’s not about us. We envision God as a heavenly Santa Clause who just created us as to sit and be “fat and happy”. And he just sits up in heaven thinking about how to give us stuff all day long. Maybe we don’t think about it exactly that way, but we act as though we do.
And as a result, we have the tendency to ignore the parts of scripture that challenge us, or accept the twisted scripture that tickles our ears.
We’ll say, “I know it says ABC, but God understands, -I’m only human.” Or “Yes, I know that part…but God forgives sin, and he makes all things new… After all doesn’t God want me to be happy.”
Actually…no. We’re not called to be “happy.” We’re called to be holy.
He did not create us because he had nothing else to do. He created us with a purpose: to worship him, and glorify his nature, and fulfill the plans he’s created for us. The blessings come as a flow from being obedient in this.
Again and again God sent Moses back to Pharaoh to tell him, “Let the Israelites go three days out into the wilderness to worship the Lord.” He never once said, “Let them go because he wants to give them the land of milk and honey. Let them go, you’re too mean and he wants them to be happy.”
When Pharaoh refused, Moses would tell him about the plague that was coming and its results,- and none of it was about the people. It was about God.
“And you are going to know that I am the LORD” 7:17
“It will be as you have said. Then you will know that no one is as powerful as the LORD our God.” 8:10
“Then you will know that I am the LORD and that I have power even in the heart of your land.” 8:22
“I will prove to you that there is no other God on earth. I could have killed you all by now. I could have attacked you with a plague that would have wiped you from the face of the earth. But I have let you live for this reason,- that you might see my power and my fame might spread throughout the earth.” 9:14-15
“This will prove to you the earth belongs to the LORD.”9:29
(to Moses) “I can continue to display my power by performing my miraculous signs among them. You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am the LORD.” 10: 1-2
And on and on and on and on.
Not once is he doing this to make his people “happy”. Every single thing he did was to honor his word, and be glorified. Yes the people had been crying out to him in their suffering, and God made it clear he’d heard them (3:7). But we see when they rebelled in the wilderness (grumbling and complaining, making an idol,) they were rebuked and/or killed off (chapter 32). If God was this Santa Clause- God we envision he would have just patted them on the head and said, “There there. I understand you’re only human. It’s okay. Here, I’ll give you Canaan so you will be happy.”
No. Instead, not one of those rescued from Egypt set foot on the promised- land, only their descendants. God still kept his word to Abraham, but would not bless those Israelites in all of their disobedience. They were only trying to get themselves happy, not holy.
Yes, God is merciful. He knows we won’t hit the mark every time. He forgives when we apologize to him. But his mercy cannot be an excuse to live sloppy lives. He cannot, and will not bless intentional disobedience.
We say, “I know I should… but…” (Hey, I’m not judging, I’m in here with too. Do any of these ring a bell?)
I know I should come clean, but I’m afraid I’ll get in trouble.
I know the bible says I should forgive, but I’m just so angry at her.
I know I’m supposed to tithe, but I just have too many bills. I have to think of my children’s future.
I know I shouldn’t gossip, but she’s just telling it to me, I’m not spreading it.
I know I shouldn’t leave him, but he just drives me crazy, I can’t take it anymore.
Do you have a big but? I know I do.
Exodus 6:2 And God continued, “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, though I did not reveal my name, the LORD to them. And I entered into a solemn covenant with them. Under its terms, I swore to give them the land of Canaan, where they were living. You can be sure that I have heard the groans of the people of Israel, who are not slaves to the Egyptians. I have remembered my covenant with them.
“Therefore say to the Israelites: I am the LORD, and I will free you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with mighty power and great acts of judgment. I will make you my own special people and I will be your God. And you will know that I am the LORD your God who has rescued you from your Slavery in Egypt. I will bring you into the land I swore to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. “
The Israelites had been praying and calling out to God for a long time… and then he did something about it. He did it to honor his promise to their ancestors, because that’s his nature to stay true to his word. He took them out to worship Him, to glorify him, and then he would take them to the promised land.
Do you see what I see?
God was keeping his word to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
So many times we forget that it’s not about us. We envision God as a heavenly Santa Clause who just created us as to sit and be “fat and happy”. And he just sits up in heaven thinking about how to give us stuff all day long. Maybe we don’t think about it exactly that way, but we act as though we do.
And as a result, we have the tendency to ignore the parts of scripture that challenge us, or accept the twisted scripture that tickles our ears.
We’ll say, “I know it says ABC, but God understands, -I’m only human.” Or “Yes, I know that part…but God forgives sin, and he makes all things new… After all doesn’t God want me to be happy.”
Actually…no. We’re not called to be “happy.” We’re called to be holy.
He did not create us because he had nothing else to do. He created us with a purpose: to worship him, and glorify his nature, and fulfill the plans he’s created for us. The blessings come as a flow from being obedient in this.
Again and again God sent Moses back to Pharaoh to tell him, “Let the Israelites go three days out into the wilderness to worship the Lord.” He never once said, “Let them go because he wants to give them the land of milk and honey. Let them go, you’re too mean and he wants them to be happy.”
When Pharaoh refused, Moses would tell him about the plague that was coming and its results,- and none of it was about the people. It was about God.
“And you are going to know that I am the LORD” 7:17
“It will be as you have said. Then you will know that no one is as powerful as the LORD our God.” 8:10
“Then you will know that I am the LORD and that I have power even in the heart of your land.” 8:22
“I will prove to you that there is no other God on earth. I could have killed you all by now. I could have attacked you with a plague that would have wiped you from the face of the earth. But I have let you live for this reason,- that you might see my power and my fame might spread throughout the earth.” 9:14-15
“This will prove to you the earth belongs to the LORD.”9:29
(to Moses) “I can continue to display my power by performing my miraculous signs among them. You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am the LORD.” 10: 1-2
And on and on and on and on.
Not once is he doing this to make his people “happy”. Every single thing he did was to honor his word, and be glorified. Yes the people had been crying out to him in their suffering, and God made it clear he’d heard them (3:7). But we see when they rebelled in the wilderness (grumbling and complaining, making an idol,) they were rebuked and/or killed off (chapter 32). If God was this Santa Clause- God we envision he would have just patted them on the head and said, “There there. I understand you’re only human. It’s okay. Here, I’ll give you Canaan so you will be happy.”
No. Instead, not one of those rescued from Egypt set foot on the promised- land, only their descendants. God still kept his word to Abraham, but would not bless those Israelites in all of their disobedience. They were only trying to get themselves happy, not holy.
Yes, God is merciful. He knows we won’t hit the mark every time. He forgives when we apologize to him. But his mercy cannot be an excuse to live sloppy lives. He cannot, and will not bless intentional disobedience.
We say, “I know I should… but…” (Hey, I’m not judging, I’m in here with too. Do any of these ring a bell?)
I know I should come clean, but I’m afraid I’ll get in trouble.
I know the bible says I should forgive, but I’m just so angry at her.
I know I’m supposed to tithe, but I just have too many bills. I have to think of my children’s future.
I know I shouldn’t gossip, but she’s just telling it to me, I’m not spreading it.
I know I shouldn’t leave him, but he just drives me crazy, I can’t take it anymore.
Do you have a big but? I know I do.
Part 2: We're called to be holy, not happy:
God took the Israelites out of Egypt to take them to the land of Milk and Honey, Right? That’s what I always thought. But read this carefully:
Exodus 6:2 And God continued, “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, though I did not reveal my name, the LORD to them. And I entered into a solemn covenant with them. Under its terms, I swore to give them the land of Canaan, where they were living. You can be sure that I have heard the groans of the people of Israel, who are not slaves to the Egyptians. I have remembered my covenant with them.
“Therefore say to the Israelites: I am the LORD, and I will free you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with mighty power and great acts of judgment. I will make you my own special people and I will be your God. And you will know that I am the LORD your God who has rescued you from your Slavery in Egypt. I will bring you into the land I swore to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. “
The Israelites had been praying and calling out to God for a long time… and then he did something about it. He did it to honor his promise to their ancestors, because that’s his nature to stay true to his word. He took them out to worship Him, to glorify him, and then he would take them to the promised land.
Do you see what I see?
God was keeping his word to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
So many times we forget that it’s not about us. We envision God as a heavenly Santa Clause who just created us as to sit and be “fat and happy”. And he just sits up in heaven thinking about how to give us stuff all day long. Maybe we don’t think about it exactly that way, but we act as though we do.
And as a result, we have the tendency to ignore the parts of scripture that challenge us, or accept the twisted scripture that tickles our ears.
We’ll say, “I know it says ABC, but God understands, -I’m only human.” Or “Yes, I know that part…but God forgives sin, and he makes all things new… After all doesn’t God want me to be happy.”
Actually…no. We’re not called to be “happy.” We’re called to be holy.
He did not create us because he had nothing else to do. He created us with a purpose: to worship him, and glorify his nature, and fulfill the plans he’s created for us. The blessings come as a flow from being obedient in this.
Again and again God sent Moses back to Pharaoh to tell him, “Let the Israelites go three days out into the wilderness to worship the Lord.” He never once said, “Let them go because he wants to give them the land of milk and honey. Let them go, you’re too mean and he wants them to be happy.”
When Pharaoh refused, Moses would tell him about the plague that was coming and its results,- and none of it was about the people. It was about God.
“And you are going to know that I am the LORD” 7:17
“It will be as you have said. Then you will know that no one is as powerful as the LORD our God.” 8:10
“Then you will know that I am the LORD and that I have power even in the heart of your land.” 8:22
“I will prove to you that there is no other God on earth. I could have killed you all by now. I could have attacked you with a plague that would have wiped you from the face of the earth. But I have let you live for this reason,- that you might see my power and my fame might spread throughout the earth.” 9:14-15
“This will prove to you the earth belongs to the LORD.”9:29
(to Moses) “I can continue to display my power by performing my miraculous signs among them. You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am the LORD.” 10: 1-2
And on and on and on and on.
Not once is he doing this to make his people “happy”. Every single thing he did was to honor his word, and be glorified. Yes the people had been crying out to him in their suffering, and God made it clear he’d heard them (3:7). But we see when they rebelled in the wilderness (grumbling and complaining, making an idol,) they were rebuked and/or killed off (chapter 32). If God was this Santa Clause- God we envision he would have just patted them on the head and said, “There there. I understand you’re only human. It’s okay. Here, I’ll give you Canaan so you will be happy.”
No. Instead, not one of those rescued from Egypt set foot on the promised- land, only their descendants. God still kept his word to Abraham, but would not bless those Israelites in all of their disobedience. They were only trying to get themselves happy, not holy.
Yes, God is merciful. He knows we won’t hit the mark every time. He forgives when we apologize to him. But his mercy cannot be an excuse to live sloppy lives. He cannot, and will not bless intentional disobedience.
We say, “I know I should… but…” (Hey, I’m not judging, I’m in here with too. Do any of these ring a bell?)
I know I should come clean, but I’m afraid I’ll get in trouble.
I know the bible says I should forgive, but I’m just so angry at her.
I know I’m supposed to tithe, but I just have too many bills. I have to think of my children’s future.
I know I shouldn’t gossip, but she’s just telling it to me, I’m not spreading it.
I know I shouldn’t leave him, but he just drives me crazy, I can’t take it anymore.
Do you have a big but? I know I do.
Exodus 6:2 And God continued, “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, though I did not reveal my name, the LORD to them. And I entered into a solemn covenant with them. Under its terms, I swore to give them the land of Canaan, where they were living. You can be sure that I have heard the groans of the people of Israel, who are not slaves to the Egyptians. I have remembered my covenant with them.
“Therefore say to the Israelites: I am the LORD, and I will free you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with mighty power and great acts of judgment. I will make you my own special people and I will be your God. And you will know that I am the LORD your God who has rescued you from your Slavery in Egypt. I will bring you into the land I swore to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. “
The Israelites had been praying and calling out to God for a long time… and then he did something about it. He did it to honor his promise to their ancestors, because that’s his nature to stay true to his word. He took them out to worship Him, to glorify him, and then he would take them to the promised land.
Do you see what I see?
God was keeping his word to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
So many times we forget that it’s not about us. We envision God as a heavenly Santa Clause who just created us as to sit and be “fat and happy”. And he just sits up in heaven thinking about how to give us stuff all day long. Maybe we don’t think about it exactly that way, but we act as though we do.
And as a result, we have the tendency to ignore the parts of scripture that challenge us, or accept the twisted scripture that tickles our ears.
We’ll say, “I know it says ABC, but God understands, -I’m only human.” Or “Yes, I know that part…but God forgives sin, and he makes all things new… After all doesn’t God want me to be happy.”
Actually…no. We’re not called to be “happy.” We’re called to be holy.
He did not create us because he had nothing else to do. He created us with a purpose: to worship him, and glorify his nature, and fulfill the plans he’s created for us. The blessings come as a flow from being obedient in this.
Again and again God sent Moses back to Pharaoh to tell him, “Let the Israelites go three days out into the wilderness to worship the Lord.” He never once said, “Let them go because he wants to give them the land of milk and honey. Let them go, you’re too mean and he wants them to be happy.”
When Pharaoh refused, Moses would tell him about the plague that was coming and its results,- and none of it was about the people. It was about God.
“And you are going to know that I am the LORD” 7:17
“It will be as you have said. Then you will know that no one is as powerful as the LORD our God.” 8:10
“Then you will know that I am the LORD and that I have power even in the heart of your land.” 8:22
“I will prove to you that there is no other God on earth. I could have killed you all by now. I could have attacked you with a plague that would have wiped you from the face of the earth. But I have let you live for this reason,- that you might see my power and my fame might spread throughout the earth.” 9:14-15
“This will prove to you the earth belongs to the LORD.”9:29
(to Moses) “I can continue to display my power by performing my miraculous signs among them. You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am the LORD.” 10: 1-2
And on and on and on and on.
Not once is he doing this to make his people “happy”. Every single thing he did was to honor his word, and be glorified. Yes the people had been crying out to him in their suffering, and God made it clear he’d heard them (3:7). But we see when they rebelled in the wilderness (grumbling and complaining, making an idol,) they were rebuked and/or killed off (chapter 32). If God was this Santa Clause- God we envision he would have just patted them on the head and said, “There there. I understand you’re only human. It’s okay. Here, I’ll give you Canaan so you will be happy.”
No. Instead, not one of those rescued from Egypt set foot on the promised- land, only their descendants. God still kept his word to Abraham, but would not bless those Israelites in all of their disobedience. They were only trying to get themselves happy, not holy.
Yes, God is merciful. He knows we won’t hit the mark every time. He forgives when we apologize to him. But his mercy cannot be an excuse to live sloppy lives. He cannot, and will not bless intentional disobedience.
We say, “I know I should… but…” (Hey, I’m not judging, I’m in here with too. Do any of these ring a bell?)
I know I should come clean, but I’m afraid I’ll get in trouble.
I know the bible says I should forgive, but I’m just so angry at her.
I know I’m supposed to tithe, but I just have too many bills. I have to think of my children’s future.
I know I shouldn’t gossip, but she’s just telling it to me, I’m not spreading it.
I know I shouldn’t leave him, but he just drives me crazy, I can’t take it anymore.
Do you have a big but? I know I do.
Practice what you preach
Can I practice what I preach?
You know I’ve been going through the Bait of Satan curriculum with my teachers. It’s all about offence.
It’s a great program and I’ve learned so much…but can I put it into practice?
I had a rough day on Tuesday. I was flat out treated wrong by a man and the business he represented. To say I was fuming would be an understatement.
I got home and just sat in my chair.
“All he saw was a white American woman.” (Here in Swaziland that is equal to a rich, naïve sucker to fleece.) “I guess I showed him. Now I’m gonna to this and that, and such &such. He’ll be sorry…”
As I was shouting all of this (in my head of course) the Lord said to me. “Can you practice what you preach?”
“You stand up in front of your teachers every week and talk about not taking up offence at others, about letting me vindicate them… can you do it yourself.”
I wasn’t trying to hear that.
Silent fuming.
Sqinty eyes. Pursed lips. Huffy breaths.
Grrrr God. Very Grrr.
I just went to bed.
I thought that was the end of the conversation.
He wanted to talk about it more at quarter to 5 in the morning.
“Will you let me take care of it?”
(I’m a bit to honest when you wake me up.) “No God,- you take too long. 12 years for Joseph. 14 years for King David. By the time you get around to it, it won’t even matter. I want him punished and to know it was because of what he did to me.”
“What about ‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do’”
“Oh! -don’t give me that bologna,- he knew exactly what he was doing! That was intentional because I called him out on his shady business. Now he’s trying to break my stuff, and I have to go and pay even more to get it fixed…”
“But he doesn’t know that he’s messing with the Lord’s anointed…”
I sat straight up in my bed, hands in the air.
“Whoa.” Eyes as big as saucers I scrambled to get out of my bed. “Okay, that’s it. I’m done. I’m done. No offense. No offense. I’m not messing with that one anymore.”
The thing is, I forgot that me being here in Swaziland had nothing to do with me. God has sent me here with for a purpose,- he has a plan while I’m here. And if someone is messing around and is trying to keep me from doing my stuff, he’s not messing me up,- he’s messing God’s business up.
God will not stand for that. He will make the situation right. I don’t have to do one tiny thing to set things straight, in fact, I’ll just get in the way if I try.
So I’m not taking offence. I’m stepping back, -way back,- and letting him take care of it.
You know I’ve been going through the Bait of Satan curriculum with my teachers. It’s all about offence.
It’s a great program and I’ve learned so much…but can I put it into practice?
I had a rough day on Tuesday. I was flat out treated wrong by a man and the business he represented. To say I was fuming would be an understatement.
I got home and just sat in my chair.
“All he saw was a white American woman.” (Here in Swaziland that is equal to a rich, naïve sucker to fleece.) “I guess I showed him. Now I’m gonna to this and that, and such &such. He’ll be sorry…”
As I was shouting all of this (in my head of course) the Lord said to me. “Can you practice what you preach?”
“You stand up in front of your teachers every week and talk about not taking up offence at others, about letting me vindicate them… can you do it yourself.”
I wasn’t trying to hear that.
Silent fuming.
Sqinty eyes. Pursed lips. Huffy breaths.
Grrrr God. Very Grrr.
I just went to bed.
I thought that was the end of the conversation.
He wanted to talk about it more at quarter to 5 in the morning.
“Will you let me take care of it?”
(I’m a bit to honest when you wake me up.) “No God,- you take too long. 12 years for Joseph. 14 years for King David. By the time you get around to it, it won’t even matter. I want him punished and to know it was because of what he did to me.”
“What about ‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do’”
“Oh! -don’t give me that bologna,- he knew exactly what he was doing! That was intentional because I called him out on his shady business. Now he’s trying to break my stuff, and I have to go and pay even more to get it fixed…”
“But he doesn’t know that he’s messing with the Lord’s anointed…”
I sat straight up in my bed, hands in the air.
“Whoa.” Eyes as big as saucers I scrambled to get out of my bed. “Okay, that’s it. I’m done. I’m done. No offense. No offense. I’m not messing with that one anymore.”
The thing is, I forgot that me being here in Swaziland had nothing to do with me. God has sent me here with for a purpose,- he has a plan while I’m here. And if someone is messing around and is trying to keep me from doing my stuff, he’s not messing me up,- he’s messing God’s business up.
God will not stand for that. He will make the situation right. I don’t have to do one tiny thing to set things straight, in fact, I’ll just get in the way if I try.
So I’m not taking offence. I’m stepping back, -way back,- and letting him take care of it.
Friday, November 23, 2007
A Cruel Joke

What's the big idea!
I realized that I am in the mist of prime eating season! Thanksgiving leading into Christmas.
Last night as I was eating T-day dinner, Karen asked if I was happy.
Whoa momma. "Oh course I am...I have a plate full of carbohydrates!"
Mashed carbs, carb nibblets, orange carbs with marshmellows on top, carbs to be stuffed in a bird, and little fresh baked carbs to sop it all up with. For desert, a slice of carbs with whipped cream.
I ate until my belly hurt. I had to unbutton my pants beneath my tented blouse.
I was blissfully happy...but you know what? This is also bathing suit season!
What gives? Can they do that? I mean, how am I supposed to gourge all season on ham and candy, carmel corn, cakes, cookies ect, and then go to the beach or pool and relax?!
Is this some kind of cruel joke?!!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
the small still voice
I've invited Carol and Isaac to stay with me tonight, when they drive through from Mozambique.
Yesterday when I was cleaning, I felt that small still voice.
Wash the sheets today.
What? Why? That doesn't make any sense. I'm just going to sleep in them tonight. Then they won't be clean anymore when they come. What, am I suppose to sleep on the sponge tonight?
But I did it anyway. Washed, dried, and back on the bed.
Guess what? My water went out. We have a tank,- that never happens. But it did.
so I spent the night at Lauren and Ross's house and came back today, to my still clean sheets to have my plumbing repaired.I'm so glad I listened.
Yesterday when I was cleaning, I felt that small still voice.
Wash the sheets today.
What? Why? That doesn't make any sense. I'm just going to sleep in them tonight. Then they won't be clean anymore when they come. What, am I suppose to sleep on the sponge tonight?
But I did it anyway. Washed, dried, and back on the bed.
Guess what? My water went out. We have a tank,- that never happens. But it did.
so I spent the night at Lauren and Ross's house and came back today, to my still clean sheets to have my plumbing repaired.I'm so glad I listened.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
By the time you read this, it will be turkey day!
I will spend the morning getting my plumbing fixed. boo.
But then I will go to the Rehmeyer house and eat and eat and then eat some more. Do you know what I'm in charge of?
Oh c'mon! you know me better than that. I'm bringing the mashed potatoes of course. For 30 people!
Last night I carried on a family tradition with a new friend. My mom and I always baked our pies the day before so it wouldn't take up oven space on Thursday. Last night Lauren, Zinty and I baked until 1am.
Swaziland has made me so thankful for:
The opportunity to try new things,
meet new friends, remember the old ones,
see new sights
have running water, electricy (most of the time)and my health.
comment, what are you thankful for?
I will spend the morning getting my plumbing fixed. boo.
But then I will go to the Rehmeyer house and eat and eat and then eat some more. Do you know what I'm in charge of?
Oh c'mon! you know me better than that. I'm bringing the mashed potatoes of course. For 30 people!
Last night I carried on a family tradition with a new friend. My mom and I always baked our pies the day before so it wouldn't take up oven space on Thursday. Last night Lauren, Zinty and I baked until 1am.
Swaziland has made me so thankful for:
The opportunity to try new things,
meet new friends, remember the old ones,
see new sights
have running water, electricy (most of the time)and my health.
comment, what are you thankful for?

Well imagine my surprise when she walked in the door of the carepoint in Mazambique! She's just as beautiful and happy. Look at her!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Learning to adapt

Life is all about adaptation right? Well this photo is my Australian straighening iron, plugged into a 3 prong african adaptor, which had to be plugged into a 2 prong electrical adaptor to plug into the outlets in Mozambique.
This contraption had to be at least 6 inches long, and i'm sure it was a fire hazard. Of the lengths we ladies go through to make ourselves beautiful!
No, I'm not pregnant...
Okay I had to put that out there first, to deter any rumors. But in Mozambique we went to have a little bite after church. And I orders the most delicious bacon and banana pizza.
No.... NO!!!!!!! you're not allowed to say that! I can hear you all the way over here in Swaziland. No "eeeewwwww"ing allowed! (well accept you heidi, I know how you feel about bananas.) You can't knock it until you try it. You eat pinapple and ham right? It's the same thing,- sweet fruit and salty meat. I find a lot of african recipes combine salty and sweet. So good, right up there with popcron and M&ms.
No.... NO!!!!!!! you're not allowed to say that! I can hear you all the way over here in Swaziland. No "eeeewwwww"ing allowed! (well accept you heidi, I know how you feel about bananas.) You can't knock it until you try it. You eat pinapple and ham right? It's the same thing,- sweet fruit and salty meat. I find a lot of african recipes combine salty and sweet. So good, right up there with popcron and M&ms.
I'm baa-ack!


I loved Mozambique! Thank you to all who prayed! The traffic was surprisingly mild when I drove into Maputo. Patrick Conti even commented, “You must have people praying for you back home…the traffic is not bad at all.”
See. Your prayers work.
The city is rough looking, there’s obvious poverty everywhere you look, but I love it so much. I didn’t really expect to, to be honest.
We decided on the first night that one day would not be enough. So we made a weekend out of it. We had seafood, and watched great movies with Portuguese subtitles
The next day we went to the Nkobe carepoint for a caregivers meeting, and then a youth event in the afternoon. Finally on Sunday we had church, lunch and had to say our goodbyes. But I tell you, if I didn’t have obligations on Monday, I’d have stayed until my 30 day visa ran out. I can’t wait to go back in December.
I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Carol and Isaac Williams, the Brazilian couple who work with Children’s Cup there. They are so hospitable and a great couple. I was thrilled to see how their carepoint is running, even though it’s so far removed from us in Swaziland. I look forward to working with them more in the future. The children and adults who come for church have such a servant's heart. They all wanted to help set up the chairs, to serve tea, to collect the cups,- anything to help!
I can’t exactly put my finger on why Mozambique is so different from Swaziland, even though it’s only a few kilometers away. But the people are different, the spiritual atmosphere is different, the children are different. It was so hard to communicate with them since they don’t speak English and I don’t speak Portuguese or their native language, which I won’t even attempt to spell here. I could say "Bon dia" or "caio!" but the rest... just smiles, hugs and kisses.But I fell in love with them so quickly, and felt a real connection with the people.
Sigh. I miss it already.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
In the office...

Look at out new uniforms!
Okay not really. But the video team that came from Children's Cup brought us t-shirts to wear with pride.
these are the lovely women I work with:
L-R Nomtie, Gugu and Queeneth.
If you would like one of these super cool shirts, you can get them from the webpage:
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Well I'll be!
.jpg)
Remember when I first arrived, I told you they were burning everything? They say it helps things to grow better. I wasn't too sure but whatever!
So there was a hill across the highway from Moneni. And I'm not sure if they have a small stone wall, or a trench or what, but exactly one half was burned and the other was not.
Well look at it now! Wow!
a chippie kitchen!
shame...well not really
My church is sending a team next summer (well winter here.) I thought it was July 20-30. I was so excited it would be over my birthday! What a great way to celebrate.
But I was wrong. It's June, not July.
But then I realized, it's a whole month sooner!
But I was wrong. It's June, not July.
But then I realized, it's a whole month sooner!
Insert sad face here:
I have so many cool photos to post and it's just not working. sigh. Please be patient.
On a happy note I went to Moneni today and passed out clothes to some of the neediest children we serve. You know we did an outreach like that when I was in Brazil,- it was my favorite.
On a crazy note, it is so hot! I know I posted it before, but now it's hotter! yeah, I didn't think it was possible either. looks like I'll be taking my first trip to Mozambique this weekend. So please pray for me with all of those crazy drivers. I'll try to take lots of pictures that I won't be able to post here either. :0P
On a happy note I went to Moneni today and passed out clothes to some of the neediest children we serve. You know we did an outreach like that when I was in Brazil,- it was my favorite.
On a crazy note, it is so hot! I know I posted it before, but now it's hotter! yeah, I didn't think it was possible either. looks like I'll be taking my first trip to Mozambique this weekend. So please pray for me with all of those crazy drivers. I'll try to take lots of pictures that I won't be able to post here either. :0P
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
too funny! Only in Africa...
I was walking through the mall today on a beautiful sunny day. I could hear the birds chirping as I approached the open area of the mall...very loudly.
'Wow, are they always that loud?'
Then they kept getting louder.
"Cheap cheap. Cheap!!!!! CHEAP CHEAP!!!!!!CHEAP!!!!!!"
Wow! they are so loud!
Then I saw her. there was a woman walking towards me with a box of baby chicks on her head. Yes a whole case. Well that explains it.
Only in Africa.
It makes me smile. My life rocks.
'Wow, are they always that loud?'
Then they kept getting louder.
"Cheap cheap. Cheap!!!!! CHEAP CHEAP!!!!!!CHEAP!!!!!!"
Wow! they are so loud!
Then I saw her. there was a woman walking towards me with a box of baby chicks on her head. Yes a whole case. Well that explains it.
Only in Africa.
It makes me smile. My life rocks.
Monday, November 12, 2007
It was awesome!
You know that when you are doing good, opposition will come?
Well knowing that Pastor Ron would be in the states for 3 months and unable to teach his bible class to my teachers, I’ve been praying about what to do instead.
I really wanted to do the Bait of Satan curriculum by John Bevere. (Now if you haven’t heard of that, so out and get it today! The book, the dvds, the cd…I don’t care get one of them. It will change your life! Especially, if you are thinking of leaving one church and going to another, read chapter 4 first!) Okay, I guess it’s obvious how I feel about it. So I began praying about it months ago. I’ve been preparing worksheets so my teaches could follow along taking notes in English, their second language. I’ve been working very hard to make it possible for them to learn and understand what this man is talking about. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, it would take a lot of extra effort on my part, but I strongly beleive this is something my teachers needed to learn!
Finally the day arrived! I was nervous, but God was telling me it would be awesome! I took him at his word.
About an hour before I was due to leave for Manzini, I started to gather up all of my materials.
Where’s the projector?
This is where it gets hairy. The projector had been lent out to someone in a different ministry. We called him. He had it, but couldn’t bring it to the office because his wife had the car. So we went to him. He gave us the projector but then realized the cords were not in the bag. So we had to drive to the main house across town where the projector had been used. Couldn’t find them.
I was starting to get a bit frustrated/panicy/ discouraged. I realized it was opposition. I just started praying, “Lord, if you want these teachers to see this today, which I believe you do, You have to do something! You have to fight on my behalf because there’s nothing I can do! You can do it, it’s not too big for you. Let those cords be found!” (I remembered a devotional I read once there they suggested reversing your common prayers. Instead of saying , ‘God this is my problem’, you can say ‘Problem, this is my God.’)
Within minutes, he came around the corner of the house with one cord. “It must have fallen out of the bad. It was in the back yard in the dirt.”
Ha HA. One down, on to go! We went back to his house to borrow the cord he had and when he went inside, he found our cord! Yea
Now you think that’s the end of the story right? Nope. We made it to Manzini ½ hour late and I began to set up. Even though we had all of the cords, and I pushed all of the right buttons, the projector would not work. I’d done it before, I knew how to do it, the projector just refused.
But some of the teachers had already arrived and were sitting together singing praise songs in Siswati and praying softly. And before you knew it, the projector gave it, and worked! It was soo cool.
As we got started, I shared the stories and frustrations of the day with the teachers. I told them “There must be something important for you to learn today, if the Devil is working this hard to prevent it.” They all smiled and laughed, nodding knowingly.
We watched the first 2 lessons, talked about them, reviewed them, gave examples, and on and on until I was confident the teachers understood what he was teaching. And they responded so well!!!!!!! They were getting it. It was the light bulb moment!
It was sooo cool! And afterwards the teachers were thanking me, and encouraging me! I think they are excited about this too! There are 10 more lessons and I can’t wait to share it with them! Yea!
I was just walking on air for the rest of the day. It was awesome!
You know that when you are doing good, opposition will come?
Well knowing that Pastor Ron would be in the states for 3 months and unable to teach his bible class to my teachers, I’ve been praying about what to do instead.
I really wanted to do the Bait of Satan curriculum by John Bevere. (Now if you haven’t heard of that, so out and get it today! The book, the dvds, the cd…I don’t care get one of them. It will change your life! Especially, if you are thinking of leaving one church and going to another, read chapter 4 first!) Okay, I guess it’s obvious how I feel about it. So I began praying about it months ago. I’ve been preparing worksheets so my teaches could follow along taking notes in English, their second language. I’ve been working very hard to make it possible for them to learn and understand what this man is talking about. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, it would take a lot of extra effort on my part, but I strongly beleive this is something my teachers needed to learn!
Finally the day arrived! I was nervous, but God was telling me it would be awesome! I took him at his word.
About an hour before I was due to leave for Manzini, I started to gather up all of my materials.
Where’s the projector?
This is where it gets hairy. The projector had been lent out to someone in a different ministry. We called him. He had it, but couldn’t bring it to the office because his wife had the car. So we went to him. He gave us the projector but then realized the cords were not in the bag. So we had to drive to the main house across town where the projector had been used. Couldn’t find them.
I was starting to get a bit frustrated/panicy/ discouraged. I realized it was opposition. I just started praying, “Lord, if you want these teachers to see this today, which I believe you do, You have to do something! You have to fight on my behalf because there’s nothing I can do! You can do it, it’s not too big for you. Let those cords be found!” (I remembered a devotional I read once there they suggested reversing your common prayers. Instead of saying , ‘God this is my problem’, you can say ‘Problem, this is my God.’)
Within minutes, he came around the corner of the house with one cord. “It must have fallen out of the bad. It was in the back yard in the dirt.”
Ha HA. One down, on to go! We went back to his house to borrow the cord he had and when he went inside, he found our cord! Yea
Now you think that’s the end of the story right? Nope. We made it to Manzini ½ hour late and I began to set up. Even though we had all of the cords, and I pushed all of the right buttons, the projector would not work. I’d done it before, I knew how to do it, the projector just refused.
But some of the teachers had already arrived and were sitting together singing praise songs in Siswati and praying softly. And before you knew it, the projector gave it, and worked! It was soo cool.
As we got started, I shared the stories and frustrations of the day with the teachers. I told them “There must be something important for you to learn today, if the Devil is working this hard to prevent it.” They all smiled and laughed, nodding knowingly.
We watched the first 2 lessons, talked about them, reviewed them, gave examples, and on and on until I was confident the teachers understood what he was teaching. And they responded so well!!!!!!! They were getting it. It was the light bulb moment!
It was sooo cool! And afterwards the teachers were thanking me, and encouraging me! I think they are excited about this too! There are 10 more lessons and I can’t wait to share it with them! Yea!
I was just walking on air for the rest of the day. It was awesome!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
My (un)lucky 7

But after that.....
Only the two on the left, Bobo and Sihle are sponsored to continue on with their schooling at a local govenment school. The other 5 simply don't have the school fees.
While it's only about $1000 Emelengeni to attend for a year, the local wages for the cargivers are much lower than that, maybe $600E a month.
The teacher told me that in Bible club she asked for prayer requests. One of the carepoint children raised his hand and prayed that God would provide a way for him to continue his schooling.
It breaks my heart.
There’s not I remember from my college physics class. I remember why gravity works, why popcorn pops, and that British professors are cute. And there was something about the power of water as it travels through pipes. I don’t remember the formula, but it had to do with the circumference of the pipe and the velocity of the water, and probably force or something too. But this part I remembered clearly. No matter how powerful the water was at the beginning, if you split the pipe into 2, the power was lessened. And the more times the pipe split, the weaker it became. (But don’t worry, the professor’s cuteness was always a constant factor, no matter how weak the force was.)
God told the Isrealites to create a tabernacle where he could come and dwell among his people. And he gave them very specific instructions.
Most times, I just kinda skim through them . They always seem tedious and boring. However this time I actually paid attention.
Do you know what I saw there? Repetition, and a focus on unity.
For example, the instructions for making a lampstand:
Make a lampstand of pure, hammered gold. The entire lampstand and its decorations will be one piece – the base, center stem, lamp cups, buds, and blossoms. 32 It will have six branches, three branches going out from each side of the center stem. 33 Each of the six branches will hold a cup shaped like an almond blossom, complete with buds and petals. 34 The center stem of the lampstand will be decorated with four almond blossoms, complete with buds and petals. 35 One blossom will be set beneath each pair of branches where they extend from the center stem. 36 The decorations and branches must all be one piece with the stem, and they must be hammered from pure gold. 37 Then make the seven lamps for the lampstand, and set them so they reflect their light forward. 38 The lamp snuffers and trays must also be made of pure gold. 39 You will need seventy-five pounds F48 of pure gold for the lampstand and its accessories. 40 "Be sure that you make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain.
Every part is to be one piece, and set to reflect their light forward. And he adds at the end “Be sure to make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain.” (emphasis mine) and goes on to give more instructions for the tabernacle, often using the phrases, “forming a single unit” “making it a single unit,” and “made of one piece”
Now I’m no trying to create a whole new doctrine of these chapters, but I think it’s interesting that God requests unit from his people, even in the seemingly mundane details.
There’s strength and power in unity.
God told the Isrealites to create a tabernacle where he could come and dwell among his people. And he gave them very specific instructions.
Most times, I just kinda skim through them . They always seem tedious and boring. However this time I actually paid attention.
Do you know what I saw there? Repetition, and a focus on unity.
For example, the instructions for making a lampstand:
Make a lampstand of pure, hammered gold. The entire lampstand and its decorations will be one piece – the base, center stem, lamp cups, buds, and blossoms. 32 It will have six branches, three branches going out from each side of the center stem. 33 Each of the six branches will hold a cup shaped like an almond blossom, complete with buds and petals. 34 The center stem of the lampstand will be decorated with four almond blossoms, complete with buds and petals. 35 One blossom will be set beneath each pair of branches where they extend from the center stem. 36 The decorations and branches must all be one piece with the stem, and they must be hammered from pure gold. 37 Then make the seven lamps for the lampstand, and set them so they reflect their light forward. 38 The lamp snuffers and trays must also be made of pure gold. 39 You will need seventy-five pounds F48 of pure gold for the lampstand and its accessories. 40 "Be sure that you make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain.
Every part is to be one piece, and set to reflect their light forward. And he adds at the end “Be sure to make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain.” (emphasis mine) and goes on to give more instructions for the tabernacle, often using the phrases, “forming a single unit” “making it a single unit,” and “made of one piece”
Now I’m no trying to create a whole new doctrine of these chapters, but I think it’s interesting that God requests unit from his people, even in the seemingly mundane details.
There’s strength and power in unity.
Monday, November 05, 2007
'Cup team

Children's cup has had a video team here this week in Swaziland. Now of course all of these people in the photo aren't here, but this is the picture I have from my Baton Rouge visit. Vicki ( green shirt) Ty (black shirt) and Emily and Vincent (not shown). Of course I'm here and Patrick (white shirt).
But you know what? I've loved having them here. While on the surface it's been no different from any other "team" I know they are "one of us." They are doing their thing back in the states to make what we do here possible. I can't tell you how important our state side staff is in supporting us here.
So I appreciate them, and have enjoyed seeing their smiling, and exhaused faces. They're off to Mozambique now. Go well friends.
It's hot here in Mbabane today! it will reach 91, so I dread going down to Manzini.
Satan might show up and ask us to turn down the heat.
Satan might show up and ask us to turn down the heat.
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