Saturday, January 24, 2009


Okay I thought it was hilarious when I heard on tv that Barak Obama had complimented Beyonce on her "single ladies" dance, and he wanted to learn it himself. Of course his daughters rolled their eyes in embarrassment.But it you've ever seen Barak Obama try to dance, it's a funny thought. (He is half white you know.)So, just 4 days later, lookie what is on the internet.(Word of warning, go to the toilet first so you don't wet yourself.)BarakIf this link doesn't take you staight there, type "barak, single ladies spoof"
If you live and Africa, and haven't seen the Beyonce video, watch it first...other wise it won't make sense.


Annie said...

I don't live in Africa and haven't seen the video...I mean Beyonce who?!?! ;-)

Jennifer said...

That is too funny ! I posted it on facebook. LOL!