Saturday, April 21, 2007

My recomendation

I saw The Last King of Scotland last night. I have not been effected by a movie in this way in a while. It is truely a great movie, and Forrest Whitaker definately deserved his Oscar for his portrayal of Idi Amin, the president of Uganda during the 70's.
Warning,- it is rated R and deserves every ounce of the that rating, but 95% of it is because of horrific images that boggle the mind. I am still thinking, "Who dreams up torture like that?" You can close your eyes if you need to.
Yes it gave me weird dreams, but somehow it's still in my mind this morning and I can't stop thinking about it.
Let me know your opinion if you've seen it.


Annie said...

It's in my queue...I'll let you know.

Hotel Rwanda left my heart aching so I'm sure this is going to be powerful.

Annie said...

Cry Freedom is another good one...from 1987 with Kevin Kline & Denzel Washington (his first oscar nod) about Stephen Biko