Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Thought I'd Just Die:Embarrassing Confessions of the Mirrorly Challenged

I only had a few minutes to get to the store. I quickly threw off my workout clothes, pulled on the outfit I'd worn to work and shook my hair from it's ponytail as I rushed out of the door.
3 minutes later, I hastely plucked golden delicious apples from the stand as I noticed a fimiliar tightness around my throat.
A cold shiver ran down my spine. A subtle flip/peek confirm my worst fear.
My shirt was on backwards.
I froze, unsure of what to do. This is a major embarassment. This is much worse then the time(s) I've drug myself to work, after dressing in a sleepy stupored fog, only to realize later that my panties are on inside out.
Oh no. This is for for whole world to see.
My cute fitted tee is now a boatneck with a cute v-back.
"Don't worry Christy. Just get your bread, butter and get out quick." I say to myself
Ha. No such luck. It's the Murphy's Law of grocery stores. When ever you are in a rush (or realize you are having a slight wardrobe malfuntion) there will only be 2 lines open,-one will have someone writing a personal check, and the other will have a senior citizen paying for a cart of groceries in loose change.
I tried to act natural as I waited and checked out. I rushed through the parking lot hoping I wasn't spotted by any of my first- grade students ("Hi Miss Merrill!...Hey, why is your shirt like that?...Oh. I do that too sometimes.") Drove home.
Phew! Safe.
But I took a peek at my self in the mirrow. Hmmmm...It's actually kinda cute.
I wonder what other clothes I have would look good backwards?

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