Friday, August 04, 2006

My love name... (part 2)

A few months ago a woman who I know just slightly came in the dor of our church as I stood there. Her name is Valery and immdiately God spoke to me, "Tell her that her name means bravery." I said to her, "Valery, your name means bravery. God wants you to know that."
She choked up a bit and hugged me. "Thank you so much. I needed to hear that..." and she immediately began to pour out her heart with emotion and sincerity, sharing about how she's a coward somtimes, and use to get picked on in school. Well our whole interaction lasted only a few moments but she remained on my heart for a while. As I prayed for her God showed me a fuller understanding of what He'd meant, and I wrote it out for her:

Your name means Bravery and God needs you to understand that. It's not something that you possess, like an object that can be held temporarily and then put down. It's within you; it's who you ARE. Your Father has named you Bravery.
Just as a book has its title on its spine telling all who pass by what lies within, BRAVERY is the title written on your spine. It is your title.
You've believed the lies of the enemy for too long, and God desires for you to rise up in his strength and face challenges head on.

She was very grateful for this word, and very encouraged.
I know we are all named for different reasons and our names mean different things. Sometimes our parents don't even know what the words mean when they name us. But in our human ignorance, I think sometimes God gives us his own love name, and like this woman Valery, it has a special meaning to Him- a special purpose He's given us.
For example my parents gave me the name Christy after my aunt, Christine, the woman who helped raise my mom when she was orphaned. And Elaine was my paternal grandmother, and so was given as my middle name. And of course Merrill is just my last name,- I didn't really get named it, it's just my family inheritance.
Growing up my friends had cool names that meant "Beautiful", or "strength", or something neat like that. As a kid I thought the name Christy was useless. It means "of Christ" Now as an adult Christian, I see such a honor in it.

Well just this evening, I was playing around online and wondered what my other names mean. I looked them up and was stunned speechless.
Elaine means "light". Merrill (from my German heritage) means "famous."
My name literally means, "Famous Light of Christ"
This is huge.
And it's so humbling.
Anyone who's been journeying with me in the last 2 years or so, knows that I've been hearing that I will do great things for His kingdom. This is a simple but profound confirmation, that I've had since birth,- I've just never known.

So now I have to speak to myself, the same words I encougaged Valery with:

Your name means Famous Light of Christ and God needs you to understand that. It's not something that you possess, like an object that can be held temporarily and then put down. It's within you; it's who you ARE. Your Father has named you Famous Light of Christ.
Just as a book has its title on its spine telling all who pass by what lies within, Famous Light of Christ is the title written on your spine. It is your title.
You've believed the lies of the enemy for too long, and God desires for you to rise up in his strength and face challenges head on.

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