Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Don't bother to read this...

If you are in Swaziland this post will just make you jealous.
If you are in America, you won't get it,- it will just appear to be a boring list of activities.
But I just can't help but to feel soooo blessed these last few days. A few times I've almost cried feeling so grateful.
I'm sleeping in a cozy bed with warm blankets and super soft pillows
I ate a can of Cambells soup.
I saw very very cheap gas prices.
I baked Christmas goodies with my mom
I saw snow... and more snow...and more snow. Then I watched it snow, and I shoveled the snow.
I called Heidi just to say hello, but didn't feel the need to tell everything. I'll talk to her again soon.
I checked my email and thought, "Well that was what do I do?"
I saw an episode of Friends.
I turned the furnace up.
I ate a very yellow bananna. I thought it was fake.
I went to target, and then Walmart.
It sounds strange, but it almost feels as though I've been given my life back. Does that make sence? I can't really explain it but I'm just so happy.


Jennifer said...

I understand! I do! I felt that a little bit when I got back too. Of course you were gone MUCH longer! Have a great Christmas!

Annie said...

:0) Happy day!