Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My new husband

We thought it would be a funny joke. (At least I think he was joking. Lately, it’s hard to tell with him.)
“We can be facebook married.”
“Okay that will be fun. Everyone will freak out. You change your status first, and then I will.”
Typetypetype. Click click
Christy is now Married to Rick Y-----.
Oh my goodness! Within minutes our notice boards lit up.
24 messages total, including my mother.
“Congratulations! May God bless you.” (that was the only nice one)
“Congrats… I never thought my eyes would see it.” (I would have been insulted by this one had it been to me and not him.)
“What’s this all about? He’s just marrying you for your fireplaces” (as if that’s all I have to offer a man)
"Again?... how many is that now?" (RED FLAG!!!)
“Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.” (oh okay, I guess the sun even shines on a dog’s rear somedays.)
“Just who did you marry? Where are your registered?” (I shoulda played this one out long enough to get that tea set I put on my wish list at
“I thought I would be in your wedding.” (okay fair enough Jenn)
My word! I can’t wait to hear the comments when we get divorced next week. (Facebook isn’t legally
binding is it?)


Annie said...

Had I not chatted with you prior to this announcement, you'd have had a snarky comment from me as well!! :0)

Happy day to you!

Jennifer said...

too funny!