Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Raul says:

Everyone has an inner child.
Mine is a twelve year old boy named Raul.
I believe the appropriate term to describe him would be “cheeky”
He takes photos of lion pooping in the game park. He eats at Peckers restaurant (snicker). He drinks Pimp Juice energy drink instead of Red Bull. And now he feels compelled to blog about toileting in Africa.
So this is me and a long drop toilet. We stopped by the carepoint in Xai-Xai to take some Mission of Mercy photos and get some profiles. And since they are only feeding there, there is no permanent structure with a proper toilet. Hence the long drop.
Now I must put in my two sense. Long drops are far superior to pit toilets (like what we have at camp grounds in the US.) Do you see those two little foot shaped concrete wedges I’m standing on? This is to place your feet properly. Then you bend forward and lift that wire to open the squash shaped cover to the side. (That’s to keep it sealed, the odor in and the flies out.) Then you pull down your pants or pull up your skirt (not shown) and do your bidness.
The thing is, with your feet on the cutouts, there is no room for human error. Anything you have will go right into the squash shaped hole.
No fuss no muss.
It’s engineering genius.
When Raul grows up he wants to be a long drop engineer.

1 comment:

Heidi Lynn said...

I guess Kenya can use some lessons in building the long drop. No foot marks, no little trap door to trap the smell. Nope a simple rectangle in the middle for you to learn to aim at. Making me with for a seat to at least sit on.