Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Holy Crap! That's it! I'm leaving Africa Part 2

What is with these monster bugs in Africa?!!!!!
At Xai-Xai I came out of the shower and went to my room to brush out my hair. I felt something pinching at my elbow, and my first thought was that Natalie had snuck in the room behind me and was pinching me as a prank
I spun around to find no one.
That’s strange.
But I had felt something. I brushed my elbow with my hand and to my horror watched a seven inch centipede fall off of the back of my shirt!!!
Now, I’m not a screamer, but I ran screaming from the bedroom, calling the other girls to come and rescue me. Now the centipede had run under my suitcase so they couldn’t see it. All they could imagine was a “big centipede”, like a normal big centipede. Not a crazy-big African centipede.
So Jacci and Natalie go in casually, rolling their eyes at my stupidity looking for this monster that I was over reacting about.
Looked around the room. Didn’t find it.
Looked under my suitcase. Didn’t find it.
Looked behind the curtains. Didn’t find it.
“I’m not coming back in there until you kill it!” I screamed hysterically at them.
“It’s not here. It must have run away. It’s gone now.” They said shrugging it off.
“No! No!” my hysteria rising, “You’re not allowed to come out until you find it. It’s in there some-…”
Found it.
Natalie came screaming from the room herself.
She joined me in hugging the banister for protection as Jacci kicked the mini-snake out of the room, over the edge to the living room below and then out the door where she proceeded to beat it to death with a log.
Did you hear me? A Log.
Look at these pictures! You can actually see the crazy beast in the pictures as Jacci is beating it!
I tried to sleep that night, protected only by a mosquito net, but to be honest it was a few days before my heart rate was back to normal.

1 comment:

Annie said...

AAAAACCCKKKKKKKK!!!! I'm so glad we did not encounter any of those things while we were in Swazi!!

Way to go brave Jacci!