Thursday, September 04, 2008

Happy 2 B me! R U?

I read a funny quote this morning:
“Every morning when I awake, the greatest of joys is mine: that of being Salvador Dali.” Of course spoken by the artist Salvador Dali.
But isn’t that a great perspective to have on life? Everyday you wake up to your life and are excited about it? There is no one else you’d rather be?
It took me a long time to get to that place. I was probably 27 or so before I finally felt comfortable in my skin. A lot of it had to do with a change in attitude. I stopped looking at the things that I was still waiting for and started counting my blessings.
I was healthy. I had a job that I enjoyed. I had family and friends who loved me. I got to eat fried chicken when ever I wanted. I had financial freedom, a cute condo, a car that ran, and a Jesus who loves me.
I stopped waiting for my cellulite to magically disappear as I ate fried chicken. I accepted that this is the only size my thighs come in. I learned to embrace being single until that time that price charming arrived ( because he always does ladies.)
And by focusing on the great things I have in life instead of the things I don’t have, I began to love my life.
So many times we think we will be happy when…
When I get more money, a husband, a baby, a house, a bigger house, those cute sunglasses, and more fried chicken. But the truth is when you get them, you’re not always as happy as you think you will be. Your husband’s feet stink, the baby’s diaper stinks, the house has taxes to pay, the sunglasses get scratched and no matter how much friend chicken you buy it inevitably is never enough.
Happiness comes from contentment. Like Paul wrote, “I’ve learned to be content in all things whether abased or abounding.”
I wonder is Salvador Dali was able to love his life because was content with the things in his life as well… I’m sure being crazy didn’t hurt either.

1 comment:

Susan Rodgers said...

Christy, I love you. You make my heart happy. I've just spent several minutes reading your most recent posts, and I laughed out loud all the way through. You are a prize. I thank God for you!
