Sunday, June 03, 2007

Awwwww. What a nice thing to say.

Here is a quote from President Bush about his funding for Africa: “Similar success stories are playing out all across the African continent where victims of HIV/AIDS are finding new reservoirs of strength and support. Villages in Africa now talk of the Lazarus effect, dying communities being brought back to life, thanks to the compassion of the American people. This is the impact that has made our emergency plan and the modern-day good Samaritans who are implementing it so effective. It's important that we continue the work we have begun.”

I know we (Americans) aren't the keepers of the world, but we are extremely blessed. And I'm glad our government is doing a bit more in this area. A while back an advisor to the someone, of the assistant to someone in the Bush administation visted Swaziland and the Children's Cup carepoints to see the work they are doing there. I'd like to think that this quote includes Children's Cup, as well as the countless other ministries and organizations in that area.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Preach sister- I am Natalie and I will be meeting you in Swazi. Love the thoughts, whoa, we gotta fun job ahead of us.
