Thursday, May 17, 2007

In good company

I read this last night:

Then others began coming – men who were in trouble or in debt or who were just discontented – until David was the leader of about four hundred men. 1Sam 22:2

Did you catch who was coming to David? Men with problems, debt,-those who were struggling. But he saw value in them and invested his time and energy into them. He saw their potential even in the mist of all their mess. And do you know who these men became? His Mighty Men described a few chapters later.
I remember 5 years ago when my pastor invited me to be part of a church leadership program called SALT. I was honored that he saw potential in me. While I still had some issues to work out with the LORD, I took it seriously because someone I respected as much as he was willing to take a chance on me.
As a result of this class, I am stronger in the body and a more productive leader. Probably not quite "Might Man" status, but hey…
Thanks Benji, for investing in me. I hope you feel you are getting a good return. ;0)

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