Better than Bert and Ernie. Better than Oprah and Gail. Even better than Jim and Pam. Yes, me and Kristin. I got to chat with her on the phone today and no matter how long between our chats, it seems we never miss a beat.
She is my oldest friend.
21 years and counting. That's longer than most marriages.
We've been through a lot over the years.
Late night slumber parties with visits from the police.
Barbie dolls.
Puberty, make-up, pimples, crimped hair, tall bangs, guess jeans.
A 17+ years battle with cancer.
Rock band fads.
Parent's divorce
First dates, last dates, prom, graduation, college roomates from hell.
Loss of a dad.
Crazy neighbors listening to "Cat scratch fever" and crashing valentine's day dinners
Pet centpedes and riots during finals week.
Party nights ending when neither of us could quite fit the key into the whole.
Engagements, broken engagements, weddings, pregnancies, births, and deaths.
Midnight service on Christmas eve.
Jobs, jobs, and more jobs.
Laughing. Lots and lots of Laughing
750 miles of seperation.
I no longer feel like she is my friend as much as a family member now. I love her dearly. I owe a lot to her.
She is the one who convinced me to take trigonomotry in high school. She believed I was too good for Hugh Quigley, until I could believe it too. She influenced me into going to college. She sprayed my with lysol when I was sick, but also got me juice and soup. She hated Jason for me when he left, and force fed me in the days that followed. She bought me a waffle iron on my first Valentine's alone. She secretly let me borrow her boyfriend's car. She got me a Viagra t-shirt when she worked at Pfizer, and she made my dad corned beef sandwiches on new years day. She has always been a friend to me, even when I couldn't be a friend back.
I love you Kristin.
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