Thursday, May 24, 2007

All the cool kids are doing it Rachel found out about some payless shoes called the "rae." At first it didn't bother me. Until, she found some called "casey" for Casey. That made me crazy jealous! I want a cute shoe to be named after me!
So I started looking on line, and this is what I found...

I WANT them! How cute are they? And RED! Red is MY color. I look fabulous in red, but more fabulous in red SHOES. I'm not even a shoe kinda gal, but these are my shoes. They have my name and everything.
I need them for Africa. I do. I need them and a white strapless eyelette dress that comes just below the knee. Make it an
A-line with a red belt! I could wear them to Africa-church. Yes,- these are proper ministry shoes.

And check out "Elaine"...

What's-his-name use to buy me shoes when we were dating... Where did I put his phone number?....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOOOHHHH the shoes are definitly you!!!