Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The monster Part 2

After sharing the story with the office staff, it’s assumed that my monster is a roof rat.
So while having tea with Jacci in the evening, there was a buzz at my gate.
“Hey I hear you have a critter problem?”
Sure enough, it was Pat and Jordan coming as my would-be heroes.
They were confident roof rat hunters with all of the right equipment. Now look closely. You will see 2 golf clubs, a cardboard tube, and a pellet gun with laser scope,- apparently all necessary to trap and kill a roof rat.
I thought the costumes were a bit much, but they explained that was actually just how they were dressed at the house. (Ummmm. I think I need to withdrawal from the Patrick-always-looks-good-fan club on Facebook. In fact the whole fan club needs to disband after this faux paux. )
So with video camera in hand we ascended the steps into the lair of the roof rat. The hunters experienced one slight set back as Jordan, trying to army roll over the bed, got tangled in the mosquito netting and bit the dust. But there were no serious injuries and the hunters made haste to the closet.
“1…2….3!!!!!!” they shouted trying to fling open the closet doors. But the rug was in the way so they tried again. "1...2...3!"throwing the closet doors open, they pulled out the sponge, the storage Tupperware… and found nothing but a whole in the floor.
Dag-gommit! That little rascal got wise to us.
So that was the very anti-climatic end to the hunt.
You might have outsmarted us this time roof rat, but if you do come back, you’ll be pushing up daisies!


Annie said...

this made me smile :0) can't wait to see you

Unknown said...

Oh how I wish I was there! We'll be returning on June 27th, so maybe I can join these two amigos and add to the humor of it all. :) Great story-telling by the way!