Thursday, June 05, 2008

Freaks and Geeks

(Written last week)
As I’m sitting in the DC airport, I see a group of teenagers.
Teenagers are an interesting species to observe.
Take the kid who chose to buy and eat a dozen donuts for lunch. Or the friends who now try to get one of those donuts with the argument, “Dude, I gave you money.”
That seems to be a perfectly rational argument, earning him ½ a donut. He insisted on the “good half.”
But over the course of the last month, I’ve been “reacquainted” with many people I went to high school with via Facebook- that weird cyber addiction that everyone has insisted I join for so long.
Okay now it’s not actually like having a legit relationship with another human, but it is entertaining to look up people you use to know and now see what they are up to.
I’ve realized two things:
1) I’m old, and have been out of high school a long time, and
2) geeky boys aren’t eternally geeky. Okay let me clarify. The semi-geeky boys aren’t eternally geeky.
The weird kids who mumbled and didn’t bathe… we’ll they’re still weird. But the tall skinny guys with glasses and braces,- you know who I’m talking about. Maybe they had pimples, and were a little too good in math to be cool,- they’ve turned out okay! Somewhere along the line their metabolism slowed enough to put a little meat on their bones, the acne cleared up, and they stopped letting their moms cut their hair. Now they are doctors, or engineers, nice guys and successfully normal.
It makes me smile, and wonder what happened to the football playing boyfriend I thought was such hot stuff. He’s probably fat, bald, and selling magazine subscriptions.
So if you are a teenage girl, go find yourself a nice geeky boy. You’ll thank me later.

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