You know we all go through things. It can make us better or bitter.
I choose better.
For those of you who have been with me for a long time remember I went through a very difficult time almost 10 years ago. I had to learn to forgive the hurts and offences I suffered.
It took me a long time to learn, heal, and move beyond.
But like Joyce Meyer says, your mess can become your message.
So this year at our teacher retreat I spoke about forgiveness. I shared what I'd learned, cleared up misconceptions, showed scripture about reconciliation and the dangers of reconciling without repentance, and forgiveness.
I felt confident that I'd said what the Lord had put on my hear to share.
On monday, I got this testimony from one of the teachers who attended: (This is a summary)
It was on in the afternoon when I received a call from the cup's office
informing and inviting me to a teachers retreat. Sure I was excited about
the outing, yet little did i know much more was in store for me. Christy
had a lesson to present about forgiveness.
Well, I wondered what was she going to say that I had not heard already
about "forgiveness" for I had had quite a few lectures on that same topic,
but have not benefited much, actually I have been left with more
Anyway, God is sovereign, omnipotent, he is Jehovah Shalom. This day was
the day of my healing. I won't say much about the problem, but after 5 years I
have got the solution, plus healing to my hurting soul. The lesson came at
the right time. I just want to believe the Lord had prepared it just for
me. Above all I immediately felt the healing taking place and am still on
the process of healing and understanding "Why" this happened.
I learned that I should forgive God [for not doing things my way] forgive
my enemy and forgivem myself too. I learned that i should pray for those who
have hurt me, even if that won't bring a change, but I still must pray and
love them, for if the spirit of harted is not uprooted and replaced by
love it is imparted to the next generation. I see it's happening in my family,
but now I am praying that is be uprooted.
Spiritually, that's how this year's Teacher retreat has benefitted me. I had thought "forgiveness" must be done and the results seen immediately. But my...its a long process which needs patience and love. Thanks to you Christy.
Lastly, may I thank God again for giving Christy the courage to teach on this subject. I know from experience its very hard to teach in without tears. May the Almighty Lord Bless you and help you to continue serving him faithfully.
by Thulisili Matsenjwa
How cool is it, when we as Christians, can go through the tough times, allow God to heal us and teach us through the experience, and then allow us to help others to learn.
Oprah would be proud.