Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Simple Things in Life

I'm not a fancy gal. I've always prided myself in enjoying the simple things in life. After all, if you are only happy with big events and big ticket items, then you won't be happy all to often, right? I only experience "big" things once in a blue moon. But finding joy in little things,- a sunset, cooking dinner, a hug from a child,- these are things I get to do everyday. I find happiness in all of these things, and count myself blessed.
But last fall, I went through a very difficult time. I was having difficulty finding happiness in anything, big or small. I felt very isolated, and disconnected from people I care about, but when the opportunity came to connect with someone, I really didn't feel like it. I would do the things I love, only to find that there was no satisfaction in them. I would cry on a daily basis.
I was confident it was a spiritual season that I needed to go through, but it didn't make is any easier. It reminded me of one of the Chronicles of Narnia, when Eustice, the unlikable cousin, is turned into a dragon. When he suddenly reappears as a boy, everyone questions how it happened. He discribes a visit from Aslan, who used his sharp claws to tear the dragon flesh from his body, revealing the boy inside. It said is was so painful, but when he was done, Aslan bathed him in the pool to sooth him.
Something was being torn from me as well, and it was painful.
I asked a trusted friend, "Is this depression?" While she agreed it had a lot of symptoms of depression, she assured me that if it was from God, then it wasn't, it was just a tough season would cause me to be blessed when I came out the other side.
I remember having this (unintentionally prideful) pity party for myself as I talked to God in my kitchen.
"You know God, I'm not one of those people who have to find my happiness in things; Big houses, designer clothes, new cars. They're all selfish and superficial. They don't appreciate the important things like family, friends and faith. They think happiness comes from "stuff" and don't realize that joy comes from a relationship with you. I get it. I appreciate the simple things in life. But now I can't even seem to find joy in any of them."
And he responded saying, "All of these things, are mundane. You've only enjoyed them because I put my blessing upon them. That's what makes them enjoyable to you."
I realized that He was right. (Duh) The simple things in life were still just that,- things. And when he removed HIs blessings from them for a season, He showed me that I couldn't find happiness in those things anymore then "selfish, superficial" people could find their happiness in cars, houses, and designer clothes. I had to take a long hard look in the mirror, and practice what I preach. I had to look to Him for my joy, and count the rest as gifts from Him.
He confirmed this for me in His Word today: ...Then I realized that this pleasure is from the hand of God. For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from Him? Ecclesiastes 3:24
So I'm blogging this today as I'm watching the snow fall from the window of my very first house. I've waited 2 1/2 years to do this. I'm very excited! And I'm drinking simple Pilao. And I'm in my simple pajamas. And later I will simply read a book.
And I am thanking Him for blessing all of it, so I can enjoy them as much as I am!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This calls for a Robert Frost moment...

Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.