Sunday, February 11, 2007

Have you no shame?

One on my most amusing students, Gabe, made me laugh the other day.
"Hey, Miss you know what's so great about me?"

Oh to be six and have no shame! But that's how I want to be! I want to live shame-free. Not to exhault myself above anyone, but to accept myself perfectly,- just how I was made. There's nothing wrong with me, or how I am!

So here I go! I am releasing my inner six- year- old.

Hey guys, do you know what's so great about me?

I love words that rhyme.
I think kittens are cute.
Sparkle is my favorite color.
Sometimes in the shower I play naked belly-drums.
I often entertain myself in the mirror by making faces, and laughing.
I talk to Jesus daily. Not prayerly- but like we're hanging out. He "gets" me, and doesn't mind my cheesy jokes.
I love cheesy jokes. (What did the fish say when he hit the wall? Damn.) hee hee hee.
I crack myself up with my own cheesy jokes.
Some times I eat peanut butter fingers for a snack (open jar, dip, lick)
I get homesick for Africa, and I haven't even lived there yet.
I cry when others get baptised.
I thought I was immune to sag. Whoda thought age would do that to me?
If I squish all of my belly fat together around my belly button, it looks like a bagel (thanks for showing me that trick HD)

sigh. Releif! Comment on the things that make you so great! Go ahead. Let loose. No shame!


Jean Ohlerking said...

your post made me laugh.

there is not enough room in your comment section to list all that makes me so wonderful...but the first thing that came to mind is that although i have celebrated 66 birthdays, in my heart i'm still 17--and love to act that way. my body does remind me of the age however, and we won't even discuss the "sag" stuff you mentioned.

great post!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I love that you play belly drums...your kids will love it one day...mine do!! hehe

I am loaded full of "trivial info" especially if it comes to movies.

I make ridiculously real sounding "farty" noises with my mouth that cracks my kids up!

I am a great writer and have a knack for piecing together a good idea or theme with wit and wisdom.

I am a good storyteller.

I love to make people smile and I'm a good helper.

I take delight in other folks accomplishments more than my own.

I love to encourage others...I'm a great cheerleader (but not in the short skirts and tight tops!!)

I cry at just about anything!

God loves me and thinks I'm awesome and important...and I am :0)

I'm goofy and an emoter and I talk to myself and God all the time and I am quirky and don't always "fit in" but I am thankful for my "quirky" friends!

Love ya Christy!

Susan Rodgers said...

Christy, your blog made me laugh out loud and long. I RARELY comment on blogs, but this time I have to. Thank you for the belly-laugh! And the belly bagel. I'll have to try that... We can't wait for you to get here! -Sooze

Toddzilla said...

I can make a "V" with my thumb and forefinger then push my belly with my other hand and make a gut smiley face! It rocks!

Whaddya call a fly without wings...a walk! Hey-yo!

Great post!