Sunday, January 28, 2007

What did you say?

So get this…
My mom had foot surgery last fall. Lots of you know this. Just bunion surgery, but I know it was painful before hand and a slow recovery.
So on Christmas morning I sat in a rocker and she sat next to me on the floor. She looked at my foot and said, "Oh you have a bunion too."
I guess I didn't know what a bunion was. I always thought my foot just stuck out there on the side. No worries. It had never bothered me before.
In all her mommy-ness she started rubbing it and cooing," Oh my poor baby. You got a bunion too. You gonna grow up all stiff like your momma, and someday You're gonna have to have surgery just like your old momma." Rub. Rub. Rub.
I thought to myself. "Psh!.. Don't wish that on me." But I blew it off, and she just kept rubbing my foot (it felt nice) and talking like that.
Well I'll be darned if my bunion didn't start hurting after that! The weeks following my foot HURT! I would wear certain shoes and it would hurt so bad I'd have to wear slippers for a few days.
There were night I woke up and it hurt so bad I couldn't lay it on the mattress I'd have to have rigged up just right so the bunion part could hang off into the air over my bottom foot. Some days I had to change outfits! While getting dressed, I had to consider if my pants were too long, requiring me to wear heeled boots,- because boots or heels would hurt soooo bad!
I didn't know what to do! I'd never had foot problems before!
Then I remembered what had happened at Christmas.
I went to a trusted friend (i.e. one who wouldn't laugh at me) ad asked if it was possible for someone to speak a problem into your life. Then I went to my small group and sheepishly asked, "I know this sounds crazy, but is it possible that my mom unknowingly did this?"
Adam, thought about it, and said, "Can I ask you? Is you mom a Christian?"
"Well, then she holds the keys to the kingdom. And what ever she binds in earth is bound in heaven. And whatever she looses on earth is loosed in heaven." (Some translations say whatever is forbidden, or allowed.)
Hmmmm. I think he's right! The Bible doesn't say what ever we intentionally forbid, or intentionally allow. It says forbid and allow. So I believe that my mom, with her authority as a Christian was unknowingly speaking things into my life!
We prayed that night to reverse all of the problems, and you know I've had not problems since! I've intentionally worn painful shoes just to test it out,- and it's fine. In fact my bunion foot now feels better than my fine foot!
So the lessons learned? While we can't control what others say, we definitely can counter it in "binding " prayer, if someone says something counter to the word of God. And We need to be conscious of what we allow to come out of our mouths as Christians! Like my momma says, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!"

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