Friday, January 12, 2007

From the mouth of Babes

Each year my kids crack me up. Here are some classics from the last 8 years of teaching.

At Christmas we were reading a Christmas ABC book. X was eXcelces. Shane asked, "What's that mean?"
Well, wouldn't you know I couldn't for the life of me remember. I was honest. "I don't honestly remember...But I know it's a really old word."
"Why can't you remember? "Asked Gabe. "You're kinda real old."

Gabe also had me rolling last week. "Hey! Miss Merrill, can you guess my middle name? It starts with an S"
"Is it Stephen?"
"Nope." Then he says, to himself, outloud, "Sc-o-tt"
"Is it Scott?" I asked
His eyes were as big as saucers! "How did you guess that?!!!!! I was just sounding it out to myself so I could give you the last sound as a clue."

We're learning about Martin Luther King Jr. Our conversation went like this:
Me:"....And that's called a boycott."
Davis:"Miss Merrill? If that's a boycott, is there a girl-cott?"

During my student teaching our social worker walked through our class during carpet time to collect our attendance folder. LaCarra saw him and shout out, "I know Mr. Williams,- He stays the night with my momma!"

Last December the grocery store was selling some terribly dry oranges and I was getting very frustrated. Before peeling one at lunch, I joked with my kids, "Okay, cross your fingers. Let's hope this one's juicy."
Mason immediately clasped his hands, closed his eyes and prayed. "Dear God. Let this one be juicy. I love Santa. Amen!"
I guess he just wanted to cover all the bases.

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