Thursday, July 13, 2006

The spread...

...But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread.... Exodus 1:12
The devil is coming against Christians with all of his might. But we know what he intends for harm, God will use for good.
We see this in the book of Acts after the stoning of Stephen and the persecution of Christians. As they fled for safety they took the Gospel with them and the word was spread. What the devil did to try and stop Christians actually created more Christians!!!! Ha HA
I love this verse in light of everything that has been happening in St. Louis.
God I claim right now, with the authority of Jesus that these drownings, this suffering of families, and horrible media frenzy will actually back fire on the enemy. He intends to steal, kill, and destroy, but I claim it for Your good! It will blow up in his face! The number of new Christians in that area will skyrocket and the strength of believers will increase because the people will begin to see the fingerprints of God all over this situation. You will soften hardened hearts, you will protect those in danger, you will strengthen the backs of the weary, and you will comfort those who mourn.

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