Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Treasure Box

In my first grade classroom I have a treasure box. On occasion my students get to pick a prize to keep for themselves. I'm always adding to it with trinkets, or toys from Happy Meals, so it's brimming with some neat things. I have a bunch of cool toys that make noise, or blink or require batteries. But those are usually wrapped in plastic wrappers so 6-year-olds can't really get a good idea of what the toy is, or what it does. So they always seem to pick a balloon, or an eraser or something?
In my mind I always think, "That's what you want? I've got all of this cool stuff and you pick that for yourself? No, no, no, let me choose a real treasure for you." If they let me choose, I 'd pick a super cool toy, and they'd never be disappointed. I know them well enough to choose a toy that would be perfect for them. The elephant stamper? Well that would go to Erin, - she loves elephants! The tattoo? Well Darius of course. A dinosaur book? It's got Olivia's name written all over it.
My students often short change themselves because they can't clearly understand all of the options. You and I get like that when we make our own decisions without God's guidance. We often look around a situation, and choose from the options we see presently. But God's got an abundance of blessings in his storehouse, and He wants to give us his best, not just the best of the options we know about.
My friend Lauskya recently vented her frustrations about her job search. "I'm not happy where I'm at. And I keep applying to really great jobs, but I'm not getting them." But she quickly added, "But I know God's got the best in store for me, so I trust Him." She's got the right attitude! She's trusting him, and waiting for Him to provide.
I'm trying to have that attitude.
I've realized God isn't going along with the plan I've concocted for my own life. I thought I had a great plan. Obviously He disagrees. But because He is a loving God, I trust He has the best in store for me. Matthew 7:9 says:
You parents-if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him?
Sometimes this verse alone isn't enough to convince me. So I've followed the example of King David, and have been reflecting on the goodness of God. I've been searching my memories for other times when God has proved himself to be my loving, caring provider.
Ironically, today is the 6 year anniversary of my wedding-that -never- was. Had I gotten my way in 1999, I would have been married to my college sweetheart. When the wedding was called off, and the relationship ended, I was devastated! And yet today when my friend Heather asked, "Are you sad [that you didn't get married]?" I laughed to myself and said "No, because I lack nothing." I'm so thankful now that things didn't go the way I'd planned! I see the opportunities I'd have missed, and the friendship I'd have never made. Coming out from the other side, I can look back at such a difficult period in my life and see the fingerprints of God all over it. He really did have something better in store for me.
So now when I'm frustrated that things aren't going my way, I entertain myself by imaging God's treasure box. As I try to convince Him that an eraser really is the coolest prize, he just chuckles and says, "That's what you want? I've got all of this cool stuff and you pick that for yourself? No, no, no, let me choose a real treasure for you!" I know if I trust him to choose, I'll never be disappointed.

1 comment:

Mrs. Cooper said...

bummer - you got spammed!