Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Gabby is my mom's dog. She was a rescued animal and came from the local shelter. While she was cared for well at the shelter, she came to my mom's home with a mix of problems. She was underweight, and had worms. She had mange that made her hair fall out in patches. She was lonely and unloved.
My mom loved her in spite of this and adopted her. Once home, Mom began the tedious process of caring for her. Potty training, obedience, frequent expensive visits to the vet, and administering medications took up a good amount of time and resources. But now, 18 months later, her hard work and investments have paid off. Gabby's had an opportunity to run and play, instead of always being cooped up in a kennel. She's received the medication to cure her illnesses, and had received lots of unconditional love. And as a result Gabby is one of the most remarkable dogs you'll ever meet. She's gentle, affectionate, quiet, sweet, loving, and extremely loyal to my Mom.
"It's almost like she remembers how it was before. " My mom once told me. "You know,- like she remembers the sicknesses and neglect; Like she remembers the bad times. That's one dog who understands that she was rescued."

I just spent 3 days in the midst of a wonderful group of Christians. Combined together, our past and present hurts would compile a laundry list of problems that would make Dr. Phil's head spin: Bitterness and unforgiveness, failing health, divorce, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, promiscuity, abandonment, neglect and abuse. All of them have their share of struggles. But they also have the peace and joy of knowing Christ intimately. They worshiped with passion and authenticity, and through tears shared stories.

Regardless of their circumstances, they know He's adopted them into His family. He invests time in them, heals their wounds, and blesses them with unconditional love. As a result, they are gentle, peaceful, loving, and most of all loyal to Him.
Their backgrounds and stories were as individual as their personalities, yet their honesty and humility revealed a common thread, - They are people who understand they've been rescued.

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