Friday, August 12, 2005

Make Haste

A few summers back I traveled to Richmond, Virginia with my then-boyfriend, James. We were there for a wedding but also to visit his parents. While we were there, his mother, Debbie, wanted to show us the house they were building.
Now I've never been in a house that wasn't complete, but found it fascinating. Sure, we had to hike our legs up into the kitchen from the garage, but stairs are really overrated. And while there was no drywall, carpeting, or appliances, the 2x4's and windows created a skeletal frame of the house it was to become. (I saw it finished 6 months later and it truly was a beautiful house.)
At one point, during the tour of the down stairs Debbie, said, "Oh! I'm so excited. I can't wait. I wish I could move in now." However when we got upstairs, we noticed a puddle of rainwater on the floor. One of the newly installed windows hadn't been sealed properly and had a leak. It made me think, - it was a minimal problem because no one actually lived there. There was no carpet laid, no furniture to ruin, nothing but some plywood. And there's no harm in that getting a little wet. But if Debbie had actually moved her belongings into the incomplete house, a leaky window would have created a big problem. It's best that they found out when they did. The slight problem was rectified in the beginning phases and caused no further havoc. I recognized the value in waiting.
Yet, sometimes in my own impatience I rush into situations ahead of myself, and ahead of God. There have been times, as He's tried to unfold his plan before me, when I get too excited and try to rush the process along. (After all God need's my help, right?) I start thinking of 2 Peter 3:8 "… a thousand years is like a day [to the Lord]" and I begin to get a bit nervous, thinking he'll take too long!
In the end I sometimes make a mess of things. I hastily make decisions and later think to myself, "If I had waited on God, this problem would have been revealed to me and I could have taken care of it in stage one. But now that it's come out, it's just making a bigger mess."
Can you relate? Now, look at his word and see what it says in Psalm 37:

"…Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you. .

…Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act…

The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord.
He delights in every detail of their lives.

Thought they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord hold them by the hand.
…Don't be impatient for the Lord to act!

Travel steadily along his path.
He will honor you, giving you the land…"

Oh wow! Patience is a good thing! No, not a fun thing, but a good thing.

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