Monday, April 13, 2009

Jabu's Parable

Jabu has been such an awesome addition. I've really enjoyed having him here.
Often he comes to me just as he wakes up and snuggles with me a while. He follows me around the house just to check out what I'm doing.
But he's a busy kitty. He's often preoccupied. I'll call him to come and sit on my lap while I watch a movie, but walks off after a brief consideration. He knows where I'll be when he wants to settle down. But for now it's off to watch the world outside the windows. He plays contently, takes his medicine (even though he pouts afterwards,) and only goes in the places he's allowed. Then occasionally he'll jump into my lap, lay his head against my chest and snuggle against me. But it's only a matter of time before he sees a bird out the window, or a little bug fluttering in the lamp light.
Such a restless kitty.

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