Friday, August 01, 2008

Do unto others...

When Jesus said it, we called it the golden rule.
Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
Yesterday I saw it in action.
Teacher Lungile has been sick for almost a month. First they said it was pneumonia, now they know it's TB. She's been hospitalized this week.
At the teacher's meeting yesterday I told the group, "I'm going to visit and pray for Lungile today. If any of you would like to come you're welcome. Then I will just drop you where you want to go afterwards."
During our potty break Sindi came to me. "Christy, we all want to go. So we must take a kumbi. We won't all fit in your truck."
It was just that matter of fact.
So after break I went to RFM hospital with 13 teachers, 2 MOM reps, a driver, and ironically, Lungile's sister who I met along the way.
We poured into the women's ward single file while the other patients looked with wide-eyed confusion. And we chatted with her briefly, giving words of encouragement, a prayer and a song. As we filed out, (just as noticeably,) I saw a few teachers slip a few coins into her sister's hand.
It was a side of some of my teachers I haven't seen before, but hopefully it won't be the last time.
Sickness and hospitalizations is a way of life here. It would have been possible for them to ignore her, or say, "shame too bad." But they took time out of their day, when they could have been going home.
I hope she was encouraged and knows that she is loved.
She is our family.

1 comment:

Annie said...

yay that's awesome!