Friday, May 05, 2006

Return of the King!!!

I went to Swaziland after reading a children's book that stated quite clearly: There are no lions in Swaziland. HRUMPH! that was enough to make me want to call the whole thing off. But I went anyway and you can imagine my excitement when we traveled to Hlane Park for a safari and read that lions had been re-introduced in '94. Hurrah!!!!
So here are a few safari photos. Lots of cutie cubs, a cheetah (which I spotted. no pun intended...well maybe a little) a lovely warthog who had just finished her mud bath, and my new favorite,- the rhinos!!!!
It was one of my favorite days on the whole trip. The weather was great, and the trip was so much fun. One the way out I got to see a lot of the country side and on our way to lunch two warthogs darted in front of the car. That's something you never experience here in the states! Thanks Patrick for not hitting them.

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