Sunday, May 14, 2006

Full Circle?

I was looking over my blog today, and the very first post I ever put on here in May 2005 was about Swaziland. I wrote it just 2 weeks shy of a year ago. It's about waiting and waiting. And subsequently, the other posts written in the following months are all about direction, waiting some more, and learning from the experience. Looking back almost one year later, I can see His fingerprints all over the situation.
Now as I prepare to go permanently, I'm feeling a lot of the same things all over again, but this time in a more confident way. Waiting it tough, but it's not so bad,- in fact I can see it's good for me. Direction is sometimes hard to accept, but always for the best.

1 comment:

Jean Ohlerking said...

and we here in swaziland are waiting for you to get here...