Wednesday, July 07, 2010


One day this little boy approached our car when we stopped at the office.
"Como se llama?" I asked
"Wilmer," he responded with a crossed eyed smile.
You couldn't help but love him.
I gave him a stick of gum and he smiled bigger. Then he reached in the window and started rummaging through Michelle's bag, looking for candy.
The next day we went on a tour of the compound and stopped by the malnutrition center. This is for children who are malnourished, or abandoned. For 6 out of 10 children it is too late by the time they arrive. too much damage has been done to their little bodies, and they don't make it. But for those who do, the transformation is amazing. Their before and after pictures are displayed in the hallway. It almost brought tears to my eyes when I saw this:

Our little gum chomper had been rescued himself. I'd never had guessed if I hadn't seen the picture myself.
that really just sealed in my heart the importance of the ministry that was being done in Zacapa.

This is baby Mario. He's an unbelievable 7 months old.

And here are several of our girls with babies and toddlers of various ages.

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