Saturday, June 10, 2006


On the plane home from South Africa I heard God clearly tell me I needed to fast for 10 days. Not an easy task, but I accepted His word. So upon returning I looked at my calendar and found a time that would be convenient for me to begin. June 10. The Saturday after students leave for the summer. After the hotdog picnics, after Heidi's birthday party, after the Durham Bull's game with their yummy chicken finger basket with spicy curly fries, after our sundae party, after Owen's birthday cupcakes, after Jeremiah's dinner at Champs, after Carol's retirement luncheon, and most importantly after our wonderfully catered teacher celebration on the last day of school. Yes let me get all of that feasting out of the way and then I can fast.
Well God threw a wrench into things. As I was sitting in church last Sunday, I noticed I hadn't felt hungry yet.
"Because it starts today." He whispered to me.
I knew I heard it. I knew I had to be obedient, but I still struggled with the idea. I love food. No really, I looooooove food. And this unhealthy relationship with food has caused a lot of problems for me in the past. It really can be an idol for me if I'm not careful. And the fact that I struggled to do what God was asking me to do simply because I had a week of food laid before me, well obviously the problem is still lurking.
In the end I knew I had to submit. I told Jennifer later, "I hate being ruled by food!!! I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a taco salad tell me when I'm going to be obedient to God!"
I know it sounds silly to some of you who have never struggled with this, but to others it makes perfect sense. This is a leviathan that we need to slay daily. And so for 7 days now I've fasted and the end is in sight. But you know what? It's been almost easy. God's grace has truly been upon me and this has been the easiest fast I've ever done. I know it's only because of my submission and obedience that he as blessed me this way. Still, I'm sad all of that glorious food has come and gone and I missed it …or have I?
No, I've decided in the quiet of my peaceful house today I'm going to have a feast. Yes, a full on feast. I'm going to have meat (John 4:31), bread (John 6:35) with honey (proverbs 24:3), milk, (1 Peter 2:20) nine kinds of fruit, (Galatians 5) and lots of water (John 7:37)
Bon Appetite!!!!!

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