Sunday, October 02, 2005


I hate that feeling… You're proud of your accomplishments and then get humbled. I thought I had it, - and this morning I'd stood corrected.
Just last night I posted my list of 101 things to accomplish by the time I turn 30. It was a fun making it. I confess a lot of these things I've wanted to do for a while so putting it in writing and publishing it made it more concrete, - like I'd be held accountable for it. And I've checked off some things in the 4 months it took me to compile the list. It's been very satisfying.
My friends all made lists too…it seemed trendy and cool to do. We'd mention an activity and one of us would say, "Oh yeah, I did that …It was on my list." And everyone would nod knowingly. Like some kind of not-so-secret code.
Some numbers are helpful money saving skills that I'll need as a wife, such as #99, learning to cut up a whole chicken. Some are honorable and charitable, such as #30 be a Salvation Army Bell ringer at Christmas time. One is a final act of rebellion against a controlling boyfriend who I broke up with 12 years ago. (#60 if you're wondering. He "forbid" me to get one.)
But leave it to Benji, and the Apostle Paul to point out the obvious to me. Even if I accomplish them all by tomorrow, I'd be missing the most important task of all: Love.
1 Corinthians 14:1 says "Let love be your highest goal."
Out of 101 things to do in the next 2 years, I neglected the one thing that really makes a difference.
Sure, I put lots of spiritual sounding things on there: memorize scripture, go on a missions trip, step out boldly in faith and give a word to a stranger. But Paul says in 1 Cor. 13:1 that even if I do the greatest things, if I do them without love, then it's worthless. (My paraphrase, not a direct quote.) And it's not that I don't do loving things already, but I guess it just annoys me that out of the 101 things I'm holding myself accountable for doing, none of them are focused on the right thing. Get it?
So I guess I have to add some more things to my list. Send me an email if you have some loving suggestions. If you have a list, add them to yours too. Maybe they should say something like this:

102. Be patient with irritatingly slow people in front of me in line.
103. Go without something I like, to give it to someone who has so much less that me.
104. Go without something I like to give it to someone who has so much MORE than me.
105. Hold my tongue when that jerk cuts me off in traffic.
106. Pray for a generous spirit
107 Create disposable income with the sole purpose of giving it away.
108. Do something for someone in need- even if I'm inconvenienced by it.
109. Walk a granny to her car when it's raining. Hold my umbrella over HER head.
110. Buy a bouquet of flowers to give to a random stranger.
111. Invite a not -Heidi-friend to dinner once a week for a month
112. Go Buy-One-Get-One shopping with the intention of giving away the free item
113. Forgive
114. Admit when I'm wrong
115. Pray for more opportunities to LOVE!!!!

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