Monday, August 18, 2008

Pepe update

Some of you know Pepe. She's kinda the unofficial poster child of Children's cup. A few months ago she had a bad spell and was in the hospital for quite a while.
To be honest, I didn't think she would make it.
But miraculously she did.
So Saturday, while at the orphanage I was wondering, "Where's Pepe?" as I searched the sea of faces.
I passed right over her. I didn't even recognize her!
When I saw her last at the Mbabance Clinic she was so so thin, just like a skeleton. She was weak, and frail, and feeling miserable. On saturday I saw a whole new child!!! She's getting fat! And she spent the day laughing, playing,and helping up in the garden. I couldn't beleive what a change has taken place in this child!
Praise God for his mercy.
(and I have to give proper credit to Sandra who stayed with her in the clinic the entire time she was there. That woman has compassion that I can't imagine having. I guess that's just the momma in her.)

1 comment:

Annie said...

The Kombi looks good on ya! :0)