Monday, June 11, 2007

The bravest Man in Chapel Hill

This is a picture of Mike Helpingstein and his lovely wife Fran. Mike gets the award for the bravest man in chapel hill.
He (after his wife's volunteering) taught me to drive a stick!
My mom said an extra prayer for him (not me) and things seemed to go fine.
I need some practice still but if I absolutely had to do it today, I could. :0)
Now I only need to learn to drive on the wrong side of the road and I'll be ready for Swaziland. (I know we're not supposed to view other cultures as "wrong" but different. But if we drive on the right side, then they have to be on the wrong side. Right?)
And Drivers are also on the right side of the car over there. But in this case, the right- side is the wrong- side too.
Anyways, a big thanks to Mike and his patience.


Jean Ohlerking said...

that's the LEFT side, christy, the LEFT side. :-)

Kerry Woo said...

Mike's a good man!