Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Good bye little house

That's me pouting. But just a little.
Today I closed on my house.
I no longer have the cutest little house in the world.
But that's okay.
I've always said, "I own, my house, it doesn't own me."
I've loved living in it every day for the past 3 years, and sincerely believe it was only by God's grace that I got to buy it in the first place.
A few weeks ago, Dennis and Tracey came and installed the ceiling fan- the last improvement project I'd wanted. And as I sat there enjoying it, I thought to myself, "Hmmm. It's done. All of the things I wanted to do are done." That's when I heard "sell it"
So I did.
And last night as I locked up for the last time, and said good-bye to my little house I felt at peace. I knew it wasn't my house anymore.
So good-bye little house. I love you and I will miss you... On to chippie cottage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is chippie cottage? And do I really want to know? I feel the same way about my house. I don't have to sell it yet but I do have to leave it for a year.

My friend was explaining to me last night as I was complaining about leaving "my life" and she said if you can get an "eternal perspective" on the whole thing then you can feel much better.

Like hmmm... a house, for a soul... a car for a person's soul in heaven... you can see that grateful smile on that soul's face. Hmmm.

Hope vacation was great and refreshing!

See you in Africa