I just got home for a conference at the North Raleigh Vineyard. It was called the Fresh Fire for Healing conference. (Or if you're from Kentucky, Fresh Far.)
I listened to great talks from speakers from all over the country. We learned about healing, deliverance, and healing through forgiveness. But also, there were 2 great sessions on shame and fueling ministry with a passion for the lost.
I never would have put the 5 together, but was amazed at how they are all linked.
I learned so much that I could never write it all. But here are two key points that will always stick in my mind.
"We as the church often think of the lost as inferior. 'You're a sinner. You probably are immoral, drink too much beat your wife… Because if you weren't, you'd be sav-ed like me.' But "lost" means just that,- Lost.
I lost a really cool knife that my daughter had given me. It had a knife, a corkscrew, a toothpick, a… microwave, (laugh) and I was so bummed when I lost it. It was still just as valuable, just as important, fully functioning when it was lost. But it was no use to its owner"
-Barry, Kentucky
"Shame is not biblical.
But don't get confused with what I'm saying. I'm not talking about guilt [conviction]. We need a healthy amount of guilt, or else we'd get hard hearted… I'm talking about shame.
Guilt is, "I did something wrong."
Shame is "I am wrong."
-Mike Nelson, Raleigh NC