Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Say what?

There are two phrases I hear often in Swaziland. The first one is, “Ahhh… I dunno… maybe…” and the second is “Let us start afresh.” They are kinda used in the following context.
The first is in a setting of extreme customer service frustration. Let’s say I was to go to the local grocery store to by a product, such as sour cream. Upon arrival I find that somehow the product is nowhere to be seen. I’m not talking about a specific brand of said product, but the entire line of product is missing. There is a huge gap of refrigeration space staring back at me because of lack of foresight in ordering. So then I would ask the nearby stock boy, “Is there no sour cream?”
To which he would respond, “Ah, no momma, it’s finished.”
Scratching my head at how and entire product could be overlooked in ordering (again this month) I would then ask, “When will there be sour cream?”
To which he will inevitably respond with a random, pull-it-out-of-your-rear guess in the first mentioned phrase, “Ah…I dunno…maybe…Tuesday.”
Now reader, there is no reason for me to believe that there will actually be sour cream on Tuesday. No manager has told him it is coming on Tuesday. There’s not a delivery truck scheduled on Tuesday. It’s only that Tuesday is the name of a day, and therefore the stock boy statistically has a 1 in 7 chance of it getting it right. (But the odds are stacked against him because he has a 6 in 7 chance in getting it wrong, which I usually discover is the case.)
The second phrase I usually hear from my teachers. I love sitting in with them as they teach and I love hearing them teaching the children scripture the most. But often as they rehearse new verses, the children confuse words, motions, or mumble as they struggle to remember how it goes. It ends up being a big jumbled, auditory mess. After struggling along, the teacher usually smiles in frustration and stops them. “Okay, okay. Let us start afresh.”
And then the children get a new start.
So what does any of this mean? Why am I telling you this?
Because, as I was reading my journal tonight, I recognized a pattern in some of my behaviors.
So often the Lord will prompt me in a direction. And not really knowing the full plan yet, I make a random guess as to what to do.
“When should I introduce this to my teachers?... When should I talk to my staff?...when should I address this issue?... Ahhhh…I dunno…maybe…” And pick any random choice hoping that my chances are at best 1 in 7.
I need to learn to wait on the Lord and listen for his perfect timing.
Like the stock boy I find that guessing gets it wrong more often than not. I can almost see the Lord throwing up his hands in frustrations as I mess it up once again.
“Okay Okay, Christy. Let us start afresh.”
Oh isn’t grace amazing? Thank you Lord for your patience in the absence of my patience.


Susan Rodgers said...

GREAT post, Christy. Love the accurate description of a very common occurance here (hilarious and frustrating, all at once). I love even more the spiritual application. Yes, Lord, thank You for second chances.

Love you, friend!

SAM said...

Lovely Post...

Yes and Amen to the
"Let's Start afresh"