Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Woman's Perogative

Okay. Nevermind.
My last post was about how much I loved the snow. Then I ventured out into it.
I hate snow.
It was freezing cold and this particular kind was the sleety-stingy kind that hurt your face when it pinged you. Then it made the roads/intersections/parking lots very slippery. So Shanna's front wheel drive Saab, wasn't really going to cut it. I spent a lot of time pushing the car backwards while wearing heeled boots, a fall jacket and no gloves.
I hate snow.
To top it off, we were tired of getting stuck where ever we went. So we parked at the hotel and walked to TGIFridays.
More ice, more cold, more stinging pelting sleet.
I hate snow.
I remember why I moved from Michigan.
While searching for an appropriate photo online I found a hilarious photo of a snow middle-finger next to the word "winter" carved in a snow drift.
Yes, my thoughts exactly.
Now I'm once again in NC. I'm drinking tea. I'm walking around in the 75 degree sunshine.

1 comment:

Jean Ohlerking said...

I hate snow too. That's why we don't live in Iowa where we were born and raised. Snow=cold. Cold penetrates the bones. Snow gets in your shoes/boots if you aren't careful and makes your feet wet and cold. Cold and wet freezes your eyelashes, makes your eyes water then tries to freeze to your face. Snot freezes too. Ish.
Give me warm weather. Even hot weather. At least the bones don't ache. And I've never heard of anyone slipping on humidity.
I totally agree with this post. I had begun to wonder when I read the one before. Now I know.
You hate snow, too.