Friday, May 19, 2006

Lord of the Fries

I have experienced an new culinary delight. Keeping up to it's tradition of fried foods the south has created a new fried delicacy: Fried banana pudding.
Yum! As a cousin to deep fried candy bars, and deep fried oreos, this deserts extended the challenge to Joe American's never ending quest of "Can I dip this in batter and fry it in grease?" Answer: Darn right I can!
Some of his better known discoveries of things that can be deep fried are the corn dog, chicken, and potato wedges. But Joe American has also deep fried bacon, hot dogs, and surprisingly, ice cream.
It seems crazy in this day when 65% of our population is overweight. It's horrible! It's a shame! It's an outra-...Err...What's that you say?...Deep fried twinkies?.... Ummmmm...Excuse me while I get off my soap box.... I need to go and get my spot in line.

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