Thursday, March 23, 2006

Beauty fades

We have become a generation obsessed with appearances.
Weight loss programs are a multi-billion dollar
industry. We have tv shows where people get plastic
surgery, and we call it entertainment. Botax is
available at the spa 1/2 mile from my house. Yikes!
Do you know you can actually get plastic surgery on
your vagina now?...Why?
But it's nothing new really. I know you've heard it
all before. A parent says, "I spent $xxx on christmas
presents and after they were opened the kids only
wanted to play with..... ( you know the answer don't
you?) the box!!!

Why would a child care about packaging? Probably
because they don't understand the value of what is

Okay ladies read that last part again, and let it sink
in. I'll wait.......

We underestimate ourselves as women. We allow our
whole lives to be consumed with being thinner, taller,
blonder, more hair free, and when the sun sets on our
lives what difference will it really make?

I just remember good old Timothy writing, "A woman
should make herself beautiful by the things she does"

Okay just to make a point that beauty fades I built
myself a time machine and went into the future with my
digital camera that mom got me for christmas. I drove
in my flying car to hollywood to snap a few photos of
some well known celebs. Think beauty lasts forever?
Think again.
Now have a good smile and a laugh and then look in the
mirror and love yourself today. Even is you are still
short, chubby or too brunette.

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