Friday, October 21, 2005

Too much stuff!

From Dec '03 to may '04 I had a time of abundant blessing. The Lord just
"opened the gates of heaven and poured out his blessing with such abundance that I didn't have room to store it"(to paraphrase Mal 3:10). I mean, I'm
talking thousands of dollars rolling in from nowhere,
a free laptop, plane tickets given to me, my house, I
was shown favor in the most unlikely places etc. etc.
I couldn't even believe it,- my head was spinning!
When it first started I thought, "Oh wow God thanks for_____ that's really cool."
Then as it went on I thought, "Wow God is so awesome, He just keeps blessing
But as it went on and on and on ironically, I started to feel a bit uncomfortable. Yeah, who would
have thought? I started to hear about others around the world who had less, or friends who were
struggling, and yet here I was getting more and more from God.
So at one point I was telling God, "Thanks God, but really,- you don't have to do any more.
You've given me enough..." And yet the blessings kept coming.
One day I said, "Okay God, that's enough I really don't deserve all of these new blessing..." And
I just sensed him say to me, "You never really deserved any of it. I give these because I love you."
I guess when it was just one little gift given from God, I'd felt that somehow I'd earned it. Perhaps I'd said
the right thing or helped the right person, or maybe pulled the arm on the heavenly slot
machine,- somehow I had done something that had "earned" God's blessings in my life. It wasn't until
that day that I'd realized that God gives to us because He is good,- not because we are.
Look for God's blessing today and thank him for his
generosity,- even when we don't deserve it.

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