Thursday, January 26, 2006

Say what?

okay I know you will appreciate this.
In the 16th century, houses were often built with
straw thatched roofs. They retained heat well so it
was not uncommon for a stray animal to climb up to try
and stay warm.
Well in the event of a big rainstorm, the straw would
become slippery and the animals would slide off.
Anyone looking out the window would only see a cat or
dog falling with the rain. Hense the expression...
It's raining cats and dogs.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Which way?

I recently took a trip to Williamsburg, VA with some friends. On the way back from the conference I realized I didn't know how to get back to the house we were staying at.
"Don't worry," my friend, Wes, said. "Just follow me."
And so we started off. Easy plan. But somehow things got all mixed up. As we merged onto the free way I had to give way to two overzealous drivers. With two cars between myself and the leader, I began to feel nervous in the heavy traffic. So I decided to pass in the right lane and catch up. Unfortunately I couldn't squeeze behind Wes' truck in line and an impatient driver forced me to pass Wes end up in the front of the line. That driver also thought it was a good idea to simply ride there in the right lane and so Wes couldn't pas me to take his rightful place as leader. So I was forced to ride along with my guide behind me!
What a mess. I kept thinking, "How are we going to get out of this?" Heidi helped me navigate by watching in the mirrors. "He's put his blinker on. I think he wants us to get off at this exit!"
I feared it would be a while before we could give way and let him back into his rightful place. I suddenly got the giggles.
"Heidi," I laughed. "I think there is a sermon somewhere in this! How many times do you and I take off too quickly and get ahead of God. And then we spend all of our time looking over our shoulders wondering if He's following us,- watching for signs of which direction to go in next?" We both had a good laugh.
It's funny 'cause it's true.